
For information specific to your class, please click on your class page.

Policy on Online Translators

The use of online translators, for example google translate, constitutes cheating and will result in a grade of F and a referral for cheating. Online translating machines are inaccurrate and do not produce correct language. Please see the syllabus for details.

Grading Scales:

German 1 and 2: 90% - 100%: A; 80% - 89%: B; 70% - 79% C; 60% - 69%: D; <60%: F

German 3 (Honors) and 4 (AP or STS): 92% - 100%: A; 82% - 91%: B; 72% - 81% C; 65% - 71%: D; 65<%: F



All assignment directions are given in class; specific information can be found in the Information Section of students' binders. (Scoring guides, English assignment instructions, etc.) Some may also be attached to this page and/or to the respective assignment in Infinite Campus.


Students have most of the materials for the entire semester in their binder. (Especially unit worksheets, cultural readings, songs, blank vocabulary pages, and reference materials.) Master vocabulary lists are in your vocabulary booklets. This enables you to work on some of the assignments at home if you have to miss class, and to keep up when you return.

Links for online assignments (Tell Me More, Vocabulary/Grammar Practice, educational videos, etc.) can be found under Learning German - Online Practice.

Replacing Materials and Reviewing Directions

Infinite Campus now offers the capability for the teacher to give assignment instructions and attach files directly with the assignment in question, so we will take advantage of this function.

If you need to access directions/files for a specific assignment, please log into the Student Portal of Infinite Campus and pull up the respective information.

(Please note that we cannot upload copyrighted documents. If you lost a document that is copyrighted, for example the vocabulary booklet, you need to get a replacement in class and pay for it.)

Grading Categories and Policies:

Participation: 20%: 10 pts/day (tardy: -2; no binder: -4;

no materials: -2; disruptive/not working/missing time: -1 to -10)

Assignments: 45% (in-class, homework, and computer assignments)

Vocabulary Assignments: 20%

Language Practice Assignments: 20%

Culture Assignments: 5%

Examinations: 25%

Proficiencies: 5% (skills to be mastered with 100% accuracy)

Notebook/Portfolio: 5%

A Note on Deadlines:

Infinite Campus does not allow an assignment to be entered unless a deadline is specified. While every attempt is made to accurately enter that deadline, it may change due to unexpected circumstances (e.g. canceled days, illness of the teacher, a unit that takes longer because the class needs more instructional time than expected, etc.). In that case, the new deadline will be announced in class, but the assignment may show in red in IC. However, the student's work is not calculated as late until the teacher has physically entered a grade of M (missing), so this does not affect students' grades.


Making Up Participation Points

For each class session you missed, complete one hour in Tell Me More in addition to the required hours for the quarter. This will earn you 10 participation points per extra hour, which makes up for the 10 participation points you missed due to your absence. (Additional time will result in extra credit points.)

Making Up Class Assignments

During your absence, continue working on assignments if you are able and understand the assignment. (Example: vocabulary lists, cultural readings, worksheet assignments that do not require the book, listening to CDs, watching video episodes.)

As soon as possible, ask a buddy what you missed so you can continue working and know what to get help on upon return. (It is best to call or e-mail a buddy while you are still gone.)

Upon return, check with your buddy on assignments you missed. Copy his/her notes and get instructions for assignments. You may not copy assignment answers, but you may compare your answers with those of your buddy after you have completed the assignment.

If you need help, ask your teacher after you have spoken to your buddy so you can get help on any assignments you cannot do alone. (We will usually use computer lab days for that, so make sure you have worked ahead on Tell Me More so you don't lose computer points.)

You must first speak to a buddy and get the necessary information before asking the teacher. This is an essential skill for college!