
Videos are the next best thing to actually going to Germany. You can see and hear people of different ages, genders, background, and regions communicate, observe how they interact and gesture, learn about everyday activities and cultural habits, and see the sights if the video is shot on location. You can watch videos again and again, use them to practice your listening and pronunciation skills, and have fun in the process. If you would like to practice some German, it's always a good idea to watch one of the videos again.

For videos in English about German culture, go to the Culture page.

Soap Operas

Here are the links to the series we use in class.

Cafe Julia Episodes (Deutsch 1 und 2)

Once you get to the site, click on Video, then on the number of the episode you want to watch.

Grammar Videos

There are a lot of educational and even funny videos explaining German grammar on the internet. Here are links to some of them, sorted by topic. Please note:

- Internet content changes; surf with caution and permission. If you find a bad link, please let me know right away. (1 extra credit point.)

- There may be ads before/during the videos. Ignore them.

- Student created videos may contain mistakes in vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, etc., so don't assume that everything in these videos is correct. The links are provided because the concepts are presented (mostly) correctly and because of creative presentation of the concept.

Wechselpräpositionen/Changing Prepositions (Deutsch 3 and 4)

Herr Hamburger

Wechselpräpositionen (mit Lehrern)

Jojo sucht das Glueck (Deutsch 3 und 4)

Click on the season below, then on the title of each part to view the episode with or without subtitles, get a manuscript, access online or paper/pencil exercises, and other content - even podcasts!

1. Staffel

2. Staffel

Extra (Deutsch 2, 3 und 4)

Unfortunately, there is no free web site for Extra. On occasion, though, you can find the episodes on YouTube. Search for "Extra Deutsch". Keep in mind, though, that internet content may or may not be what you are looking for. Search with parent permission and at your own risk.