
Post date: Mar 17, 2015 8:17:19 AM



Opening Workshop on

Creative Content: Now that we CAN digitize EVERYTHING

工作坊題目~ 創意內容:現在,一切都能數位化

演講者: Prof Harold Thwaites (馬來西亞,馬來亞大學,創意內容與數位創新中心主任)

Director of the Centre for Creative Content and Digital Innovation,

University of Malaya / http://3cdi.um.edu.my

時間:2015 年 3月19日下午 14:10-16:00 – reception following 會後備有茶點招待

地點:國立政治大學研究暨創新育成總中心,互動式講堂 350116 室

數位科技的進步已經模糊了傳統創意內容的疆界了,前所未有,令人驚歎!在後數位化時代,我們面臨著無限的可能去「創造」內容,而這一切對於 2015 年以及未來的媒體素養教育又意謂著什麼?這場演說將以「創意內容與數位創新中心」的計畫為例,提出並回應以上問題。在新時代從事創意內容的工作,必須採取結合「研究—創造」的新穎取向,製作出令人欣喜的成果,並能為總是熱切期盼著的閱聽大眾,呈現深具意義的公共互動經驗。

Advances in digital technology have blurred the boundaries of conventional creative content, making it accessible unlike any time before. In the post-digital era, we are confronted with limitless possibilities to “create” this content. What does that mean for media education in 2015 and beyond?

This presentation will pose some questions and provide answers via our selected exemplar projects from Centre for Creative Content and Digital Innovation (3CDI). For creative content to work in this new era, it must take a new approach combining research-creation in order to produce desired outcomes that present meaningful public interactive experiences to an ever-eager audience.