Post date: May 31, 2016 10:01:26 AM
自1990年代起,世界各國在推動重要社會文化資產數位化的同時,更將數位化定位為促進知識深化發展的重要機制,一方面致力於基礎建設的奠定和發展,另一方面也大力鼓勵數位資源與技術在人文社會科學領域之研究教學中的應用和創新。重要大學先是成立相關研究機構,積極發展各具特色的數位資源、研究議題、和跨領域及跨區域的合作研究計畫;近年更有越來越多以科際整合為核心精神的數位人文課程、學程、甚至是學系與研究所的設立。目標是幫助研究者對大量數位資源的意義關聯性與多重脈絡進行觀察分析,以不同方式與觀點思考既有素材,企圖發掘出在前數位時代中無從觀察的現象與脈絡,進而發展出新的研究材料、新的研究議題、和新的研究方法,再更進一步地孕育出新型態的人文研究和數位研究(digital scholarship)。然而,這些發展是否代表著數位人文已經成為一門被認可的學術專業領域呢?
- 各種促進人文研究之數位技術的發展與應用,如:數位媒體、資料探勘、軟體設計、
- 模式化等
- 在數位人文範疇下之文學、語言學、文化、歷史等人文研究及跨學科研究
- 數位科技對於社會、制度、全球化、多語化和多元文化等面向之衝擊
- 數位人文研究之學術領域特性、研究成果評價、發展趨勢、在人文學與社會科學領域中之實踐
- 數位人文與傳統人文社會學術領域既有研究典範與成果之對話交流和相互影響
- 數位人文與人文教育
- 其他數位人文相關領域
- 徵稿形式:全文論文、海報、Panel(包含至少3篇論文,每篇至少3000字)
- 投稿形式:1000-3000字長摘要
- 徵稿截止日期:7月15日
- 審查結果通知:8月15日
- 線上投稿網址:http://www.dadh-record.digital.ntu.edu.tw/up_index.php?LangType=tw&His=BHUGF
- 。
- 採摘要審查,內容須包含中英文之論文題目、關鍵字3-5個、主要論點摘要1000-3000字,並註明作者姓名、服務單位與職稱、聯絡電話與email
2016第七屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會 秘書處
EMAIL: dadhic@gmail.com
TEL: 02-3366-9846
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7th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2016
Digital Scholars, an emerging profession?
December 1-3, 2016
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
In the past few decades, the digitization of cultural heritage has become an integral part of cultural preservation and social development. More and more humanities disciplines and scholars also acknowledge digital humanities as a critical component in research and education. Starting from research centers on digital humanities, many universities are also developing educational programs, degrees, and departments on digital humanities. However, does this imply the arrival of digital scholarship as a new paradigm?
The theme of this year’s conference is “Digital Scholar, an emerging profession?”. We wish to explore the knowledge nature of digital humanities: how it is defined, created, disseminated through the dialogues between humanities and digital technology; how the communities are formed; how the researchers are and should be evaluated and recognized by the scholarly community at large; how and whether digital humanities, as a discipline, is emerging.
【Call for Papers】
Topics of interest
We invite submissions of abstracts relating (but not limited) to the following aspects of digital humanities:
- Development of digital technologies and their applications to help advancing humanities studies.
- Interdisciplinary research and humanistic research in literature studies, linguistics, culture, and history that are conducted with digital data and technology.
- Impact of digital technologies on social, institutional, and cultural aspects, as well as its impact on globalization and multiculturalism.
- Dialogue and mutual impact between traditional humanities disciplines and digital humanities.
- Impact of digital humanities on humanities education.
- Other DH-related topics.
Forms of Presentations
- Posters
- Full papers
- Multiple paper sessions and panels (including 3 full papers[at least 3000 words for each paper] + approximately 1000-word overview)
Submission Guidelines
- All submissions are to be done online (website: http://www.dadh-record.digital.ntu.edu.tw/up_index.php?LangType=en&His=BHUGF ).
- Submitted abstracts should include title, an abstract of 1,000-3,000 words, 3-5 keywords, as well as the author’s name, affiliation & position, contact number, and email. The papers will be reviewed. Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to submit the full papers by October 1, 2016.
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline: Midnight Taiwan time, July 15, 2016.
- Notification of Acceptance: August 15, 2016.
【Conference Secretariat】
Research Center for Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Tel: 886‐2‐33669846
Email: dadhic@gmail.com
Address:No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan