
Post date: Mar 7, 2015 9:16:34 AM


Announcement of Invited Speech

Prof. Lewis Lancaster 蘭卡斯特演講


Title:Maritime Buddhism: A New Look at Spatial-temporary Study of Religion

Time:16:00-18:00, Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Location:Room 330111, Bai-Nian Building, NCCU





The ECAI Atlas of Maritime Buddhism has the goal of providing a geo-registration mapping and academic knowledge of archaeological sites of early Buddhist civilization along the coast of India extending to Southeast Asia and ending in the region of East Asia



生於 1932 年,美國威斯康辛大學博士,曾任教加州大學柏克萊分校東亞語言與文化學系長達33年,並成為該校佛學研究所的創所所長,創立加州大學柏克萊分校 資訊學院電子文化地圖創設協會ECAI並擔任主任,現為東亞系終身榮譽教授。他除了其佛學研究的專長外,也長期推動中文、藏文、巴利文與梵文佛教經典的數 位化工作。多年來他熱心於國際間教學工作,曾任西來大學校長(2004~2006 年),並於密西根大學安娜堡分校、達特茅斯學院、北京大學、東京立正大學、高麗大學、香港大學、香港城市大學、首爾的天主教西江大學(Sogang)等校 擔任客座教授或交換學者,為佛教經典數位化、電子文化地圖(ECAI)的開創者,以及佛教學術研究的重要國際學者。曾任台灣的國家數位典藏計畫的諮詢委員一職。


Professor Lewis Lancaster is Director of the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI), a research unit of the School of Information on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley. Professor Lancaster served on the faculty of the Department of East Asian Languages and Culture at Berkeley for 33 years. He helped found and was the head of the Ph.D. program in Buddhist Studies. In addition to his research field, he has been a pioneer in the digitization of Chinese, Tibetan, Pali, and Sanskrit Buddhist texts. He is active in international teaching and serves as Adjunct Professor at University of Hong Kong, and Research Professor University of the West (Los Angeles). His recent teaching appointments have been at Korea University, City University of Hong Kong, and Sogang University (Seoul). He served on the Advisory Committee for the Digital Archive Project of Taiwan.

Lancaster 教授相關專訪:http://www.merit-times.com.tw/NewsPage.aspx?unid=382214

Prof Lewis Lancaster on the Maritime Buddhism project


http://www.uctv.tv/shows/Lewis-Lancaster-Buddhism-in-a- Global-Age-of-Technology-14331
