Testing Information

Various tests and inventories are availble to students for the purpose of qualifying for collge admission, qualifying for the National Merit Scholar competition, identifying academic strengths and weaknesses, exploring attitudes related to career areas, and identifying career interest patterns. These instruments include:

PSAT 8/9: The PSAT 8/9 tests the same skills and knowledge as the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and PSAT 10 in a way that makes sense for eighth and ninth graders. It measures what they’re already learning, shows them whether they’re on track for college, and lets them know where they need the most improvement. That means students have time to tackle these areas long before they take the SAT.

PSAT 10: The PSAT 10 is designed specifically for sophomores, and is the same test as the PSAT/NMSQT. In other words, all questions, sections, and time limits are the same for these two tests. The difference is this is only a practice test, you can not qualify for the NMSQT.

PSAT/NMSQT: The PSAT/NMSQT is the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, offered nationally every year in October to mostly Juniors and Sophomores. PSAT scores are used to identify National Merit Scholars and award merit scholarships.

SAT: The SAT is an entrance exam taken Junior year used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. It is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test administered by the College Board. The purpose of the SAT is to measure a high school student's readiness for college, and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants.

        April 12, 2023 - Testing Day at PPHS

        SAT (Juniors) / PSAT 10 (Sophomores) / PSAT 9 (Freshman)

        (required for graduation as part of Illinois State Test, fee will be covered by the district)

        Register for your SAT National Test Date at www.collegeboard.org

ACT: This is a college entrance exam now taken during the junior year of high school as part of the Illinois Prairie State Exam. Students receive scores in English, reading, math, and science reasoning, as well as a writing score. The ACT can be retaken if the student wishes to improve their score for admission purposes or to qualify for scholarships.

        Register for your ACT National Test Date at www.actstudent.org

ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) TEST: These tests are given in May of the school year to juniors and seniors who have completed an advanced placement course. At Pleasant Plains High School the Advanced Placement courses include U.S. History, Psychology, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Calculus. Cost of each test is approximately $86 to be paid by the student/parents. If the student scores well on these tests, college credit can be earned. Each student should check with his/her college choice to determine if the AP test scores will be accepted.

COPS (Rite of Passage)