What's New 2019-2020?

I hope you had a safe and wonderful summer with family and friends. I am very excited to start my 8th year as your School Librarian. I will do my very best to get (or keep) your child “hooked on reading”. If your child participated in our Summer Reading program, please have them return their form to their classroom teacher by Friday, September 18th.

Because we want to keep students and staff safe, we will have Library in your child’s classroom. Although we will not be able to use all of the resources in the Library, I will do my very best to bring the Library to them. I have ordered a mobile double-sided station that will display books specific to your child’s reading level and interest. During Library, your child will be able to choose a book from this display and keep it for the week in their desk. When they return the book, I will clean and hold it for 72 hours before I check each book back in. Since I ordered over 100 new nonfiction and fiction titles over the summer, I am eager for the students to enjoy all the latest and most exciting new books.

To encourage and promote literacy this year, students will have the opportunity to use our new Bookworm Vending Machine. Edna Louise Spear Elementary School was one of the first schools to introduce a book vending machine in a Suffolk County elementary school at a ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday, February 11th, 2020. "Inchy the Bookworm" tokens will be awarded to students for their excellent attitude, behavior, and work ethic and to students who challenge themselves by selecting and mastering increasingly difficult reading levels and genres. (The books in the vending machine are new and your child will be able to bring them home.)

During Library, I will continue to have the students use my Google Classroom. I was very encouraged by the number of students who participated and contacted me each week. If your child was unable to log in, the class code is: qzupmbl.

This year we will continue with our Internet Literacy Program, Scratch and Scratch Jr., Scraggy’s Window to the World, Read Across America Day Celebration, Nearpod, Author Study month, MakerBot/Tinkercad (easy-to-use app for 3D design and coding), Ozobot’s Robotics Program, etc. I am looking forward to being creative and teaching your child in a new and exciting way.

When we are allowed back in the Library, the students will be excited to see our new carpet tile in the lower level. Students will again take advantage of our instruction area, reading area, and Makerspace area. Throughout the year, I will work closely with your child’s classroom teacher to help them find materials especially suited to the individual interests and abilities of your child. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me. I consider it a great privilege and responsibility to be your child’s Librarian.