High School

We are gearing up for prom!

Thank you Stark County Safe Communities for helping us conduct seat belt checks at Central Catholic High School this week! We stopped drivers as they entered the parking lot to see if they were wearing their seat belt. If they were, students received a Smarties candy for being so "smart". We are proud to say that every student checked was wearing a seatbelt. Students could also enter to win a gas card as a reward. Congratulations to all our seniors and we hope that you continue to make good choices throughout your lives. Enjoy this exciting time in your life! Best of Luck!

Safe Communities also came out to Perry High School to check seat belts. They also set up some neat demos to show us the impact of driving while intoxicated. 

It was a great event put on by Q92! Thanks for all the students that came out!

School Resources

Here is a link to the Perry Local Schools website if you are looking for anything school related. 


Stay Alive Don't Text

 and Drive

Thank you Stark County Sheriff's Office and all the volunteers for bringing the Start Smart Program to Perry High School. They helped educate our students on distracted driving. The students were able to participate in activities that show the danger of driving while texting and /or impaired by drugs or alcohol. Please remember to make smart choices to keep yourself and others safe.

Speak Life. 

Every Person. Every Day.

Stand Up. Speak Life. — Perry Students Created a video for Suicide Prevention

Here are some resources:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline — Text 4hope to 741741