Mental Health FAQ

Mental Health and the SAP team

The SAP team is made up of specially trained teachers who volunteer to help students that may be struggling for reasons other than academics. Although, we are not counselors and don’t provide treatment through SAP, we are often “first responders” when it comes to mental health issues.**

Our goal on the SAP team is to help determine if there is an issue and to help connect students and parents/guardians with treatment resources outside school. You can refer someone (or yourself) to the SAP team by clicking on the link in the sidebar.

While the issue of teen mental health is too complex to summarize here, we would like to share six core principles that we find ourselves returning to again and again on the SAP team. Click on each of the 6 items below for more in-depth information.

6 Core Principles:

There are many resources available on the web for more information. You can find links to some additional, information on our "SAP resources” page.

**Please remember that the information provided is for informational use only. It is not intended to replace advice from a doctor.