Europe and wider world

Despite Europe being small, it has its own goals outside of Europe as we growing closer with other countries. It

is Europe's job to help those in need, because we know that they would do the same for us.

-We stand for democracy and the rule of law all around the world

-We help other countries out who are living in poverty by offering them resources, money or many chances to come to Europe.

-We influence others to keep peace with everyone else

-We help maintain the environment and be a good example to all the other countries

In the recent years, a major issue in Europe has been migration. Especially the illegal kind. People from undeveloped countries see Europe as some kind of paradise, and they spend the last of their funds and energy to escape to this place.

Europe has been trying to solve this problem through having stricter border control and by giving even more chances to those countries in need, but also through improving the living conditions of those same countries so they'd want to stay there.