Film literacy

6th January

This was our first actual meeting. Today we got together

to rather make our first plans. We created this site

and talked about the partner schools and camps where

we will participate in soon. We also talked about our

other plans (watching the film, film review, debate etc).

13th January

Today we talked about what is film and literacy to

us. I thought it's just all forms of entertainment

and education, but it helped me widen my views. We then

talked about different film quotes and as an exercise

looked for the more popular ones. As homework and preparation for the

film reviews, we had to introduce a favourite film.

20th January

Finally, we started watching the film "Wonder".

First views on it are good. It seems like a good

start for a film. We also have to write down all

the important bits about the film so it will help

us with writing our review later.

27th January

We continued watching the film and watched it to the

end. We didn't have any other time to do anything else

really. We were tasked as homework to write our first

draft for the film review.

3rd February

We showed our drafts to our partners who we were sitting

with. Our teacher helped us make our thesis statement and

showed us an example of a film review for Wonder. Then we

got some additional information about the film and went home

to finish the film review.

10th February

We talked a bit about the EU and the refugee

camp to get ready for debating.

17th February

We talked about how a debate works, looked at an example

debate speech and then looked at some videos of how to

debate (what's a debate, the opening of a debate). Then

for homework we filled in an outline of a debate.

24th February

Only the people who are going to go to the Spain camp

got together on this day. We talked about what we will

do in Spain, what we should bring along, how we are going to

Spain and finally we did some fun exercises to practice debating.

Each group was given a title and we had to debate for a few

minutes with our partners.