Copyright 2011-2018 John N. Lupia, III

Samuel Thomas Freeman (1839-1913), was born December 29, 1839, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, son of Tristram William Lockyer Freeman (1793-1848), an English immigrant and auctioneer, and Nancy Hartshorn.

The family firm was established November 12, 1805, when Governor Thomas McKean appointed English-American, Tristram Bampfylde Freeman (1767-1848) the official Auctioneer for the State of Pennsylvania. The business evolved into Tristram B. Freeman & Son to where it stands as the nation's oldest auction house.

In 1858, the auction house was headed by James A. Freeman and located at 422 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

In 1871, he worked as an auctioneer in the firm of James A. Freeman located at 422 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

In 1874, he married Sarah Hewitt Clendennin (1847-1926). They had six children.

In 1894, he was a partner in the firm of James A. Freeman & Company, comprising : James A. Freeman, Samuel T. Freeman, Erasmus and Harold A. Freeman.

Samuel Thomas Freeman established the firm Samuel T. Freeman & Company.

From 1900-1908, the firm was located at the southwest corner of 12th and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

From 1911-1924, the firm was located at 1519-1521 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Beginning in 1911, Henry Chapman, and his brother Samuel H. Chapman each separately would occasionally hold a coin auction sale with Samuel T. Freeman over the next decade.

Fig. Freeman's correspondence with Charles Weber. Courtesy Lupia Numismatic Library.

He died of chronic nephritis and arteriosclerosis on March 12, 1913.

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