Parent/Guardian Information

Welcome to the Norris Choir Parent/Guardian Information Web Site.  Hopefully this site will provide you with the information you need to stay aware of all rehearsals and events and stay connected with the program.  

2023-24 QuickNotes Archive
NVMP Show Choir Preview Slide Presentation


We will use the Norris Choirs Website, Vocal Music Patrons Facebook/Social Media, and your Powerschool E-mail(s) to send you information and updates about upcoming events and other important information.

Twitter - @norrischoirs

Facebook - Norris Vocal Music Patrons

Instagram - norrisvocalmusic


Please make sure your contact information in PowerSchool is correct and up-to-date so we can communicate with you effectively.  If you have a separate email or other contact information different than what is in PowerSchool, please contact Mr. Hansmeyer ( or Mr. Eisenbeis ( and let them know.