Honoring our Military

I am honored to be Codington's Military Family Liaison and help our families get the support and guidance they deserve.  I educate our staff on understanding the strengths and needs of these resilient families, and also how to effectively help them.  For new students, I have the Codington Newbies group to help them with the transition, learn about our school, meet essential staff members, share emotions or anxieties, and formulate new and healthy friendships.

We have different ways of honoring our military throughout the school year.  Our annual Veteran's Luncheon is held right before the Veteran's Day holiday.   We invite our active service members and our veterans to join us that day for lunch.  This year the luncheon is held on Friday, November 8th.  Our Kindness Club writes personalized letters and cards for attendees of the luncheon.  Our 5th grade student council leaders are collecting dress socks and toiletries during the Fall Festival and until  mid-November to donate to the Sgt. Eugene Ashley Memorial Center for veterans.  We celebrate Purple Up! day in April each year (this school year, it'll be April 15th...Purple is even our school's color!)  Purple Up day is our way of educating and showing our collaborative support of our military kids.  

Here is a link to our NHCS' military support page: https://www.nhcs.net/divisions/student-support-services/military

This site has the following military student and family resources: 

What is Veteran's Day and why do celebrate it? (see videos below)

Purple Up! Day videos to help students understand what it's like to live in a military family

How can we and why should we show kindness to all?