
We love you, Falcons!

It was an honor to create this video for MMS families! I hope you enjoy! I worked really hard to bring lots of smiles to you! :D - Love, Ms. G

Last Updated 6/11/2020

Please read everything daily, THEN scroll down for assignments.

BIGGEST ANNOUNCEMENT! Grades have been updated. You have until noon on 6/11/2020 to "hand in" any missing work. I cannot accept anything after noon on Thursday, 6/11/2020. If you are missing anything and want to do as much as you can to complete work in Chorus, do NOT do Daily Assignments 3b, 4, 7, 10 or Smart Music or Sight Reading Factory work (those are "officially" closed). I will not grade those. (You are MORE THAN WELCOME to continue working in Smart Music or Sight Reading Factory on your own because you have those free accounts until June 30!!) But, for Q4, work on the rest of the assignments you might have missed for credit. I'll check them at noon and that will be it! - Congratulations, everyone! You've made it!

8th grade, I'll post the videos ASAP once I've finalized the gradebook! Don't worry! I didn't forget about you!!

  • Just because you're done with new material, it does NOT mean school has ended! There are a bunch of celebrations happening this week so stay updated and DON'T miss out!
  • Binder and Music Returns - you MUST return your music and binders to school this week . 8th grade, you can keep your binder if you'd like as long as I have all the original music back.
  • Final Chorus Zoom Sessions TODAY - look at this link for times and agendas.
  • No new work from here out! Scroll down to view all assignments and to catch up on anything you missed. Remember, start from the beginning of that week and move forward. At this point, if you haven't done anything in Chorus, I wouldn't recommend trying to start at the beginning. I'd start at Week 5 and go from there.
  • Interested in private lessons over the summer? Email me! I have some awesome recommendations and tools!
  • Grades: will be posted by June 11. I am going to work on them all week this week. If you've clearly tried your best this quarter, you'll be great!

I'm thinking about you all! Please email me with any questions or concerns or if you just want to catch up this summer! christina.guenther@nhcs.net I'm always available if you or your families need anything at all. I always love hearing from you!

Have a wonderful and safe summer break!

<3 Lots of love, Ms. G

Table of Contents

The links below will take you to the specific sections of he remainder of this website. These are NOT links that will take you to outside sources. Purely for your convenience of not having to scroll to find your daily work :]

Monday-Thursday Daily Chorus Assignments

The newest activity for the day will be at the top of this running list.


FOR ALL TO READ: next week, I'll be posting some really fun activities for you to do to keep up with music, these activities will NOT be graded. I will leave lots of resources on my site during the summer for you to use. Interested in some private music lessons over the summer?! Send me an email! I have some great references and tools for you to use!

  • Smart Music users: your final assignments for Q4 have been posted! Refer to the videos and links below (from previous days) for how to submit if you need a refresher! Please note, for next year, I'm trying hard to get access to SightReadingFactory.com for all my students to use. I know it's been a pain to learn something new, but you've all done an amazing job with these activities and I couldn't be more proud of you!
  • Had trouble with Smart Music? Remember, you should be using Sight Reading Factory. Follow this link to set up your SRF account and for your assignments for the remainder of the year.


This is your final call to be a part of our virtual chorus! PLEASE submit your videos to me by 3:30 today!

Week 7 Online Learning (above)


Week 6 Online Learning (above)


For ALL: I'd rather you try FIRST to use Smart Music. If it does not work for you because you don't have a computer/laptop to use OR you cannot log in, THEN go to Sight Reading Factory. Keep reading for today's assignments:

  • Smart Music Users: There is a new assignment posted on your Smart Music homepage! Remember, if you haven't submitted an assignment yet in Smart Music, scroll down to watch the videos on how to do it!
  • Sight Reading Factory Users: Please read below in the section marked, "Read this if Smart Music is NOT Working For You". Complete the directions I assigned on the google doc yesterday in Sight Reading Factory. If you've already completed this task, you're good for today! If you have more examples to work on, and want to submit another Sight Reading Factory Work Log, you may do that as well! Explore Sight Reading factory as you are able to become more familiar with it!

5/20/2020 (2 days) - not entered into PS

  • Let me start by saying, you ALL are troopers! If you've been successful with Smart Music, YAY! If you haven't been successful, YAY! Thank you for trying your best! From here out: there will be TWO options for online learning in Chorus...see below!
    • GREAT! It works! From here until the rest of the year, please continue to check in on this page daily (in case I assign something different for a day. BUT For the most part, all your assignments will be on Smart Music :D
    • Remember, I can hear your recordings and I'll adjust your grade accordingly if you get a bunch of reds but I can hear you did it right :]
    • As always, email me if you have problems/ concerns!
    • Thank you so much for trying to access those accounts! For some, it clearly just isn't working! That's okay! We tried our best! I'm working with another program called Sight Reading Factory to see if they're offering free student accounts during this time!
    • For today and tomorrow, I want you to explore the free version of Sight Reading Factory. I'll let you know ASAP if I hear from them about free accounts.
    • I have to trust that you're working on your own because without an account, there's no way I can track your progress. So, YOU need to be accountable for your time spent with this program AND let me know how much time you spent.
    • Click here for directions on how to use Sight Reading Factory

5/19/2020 (1 day) - not entered into PS

  • Watch this youtube tutorial on how to create a Smart Music login/account
  • Watch this youtube tutorial on how to submit an assignment in Smart Music
  • There are two assignments you should complete on smart music.
  • For fun: if you have a second, sign my online yearbook :D Link is also located in Daily Announcements.

5/18/2020 (1 day) - not entered into PS

  • You need a computer or laptop for today, if you do not have one, please see "READ THIS IF SMART MUSIC IS NOT WORKING FOR YOU AND YOU NEED ANOTHER OPTION" above on 5/20/2020
  • You have ONE task today. Use the code to sign up for your free Smart Music classroom. Make sure you're using the code for the right class. ASK YOURSELF THIS: Am I in first elective chorus (example: 7-1)? Or second elective chorus (example: 6-2)?
          • 6-1 Chorus Smart Music Code: EWLYN-J6VE3
          • 6-2 Chorus Smart Music Code: LCKWF-UFML7
          • 8-2 Chorus Smart Music Code: KNTFC-LKYYY
          • 7-1 Chorus Smart Music Code: QGCP3-GALQ3
          • 7-2 Chorus Smart Music Code: NVQWT-NHLHX
  • Follow this link with your code to join our class: https://admin.smartmusic.com/join

Week 5 Online Learning (above)

5/13/2020 (1 day) - entered into PS as #11 Daily Assignment

5/11-12/2020 (2 days) - entered into PS as "#10 Daily Assignment"

  • Today's assignment is a CRAZY detailed and SUPER informational-filled video on reading music. These concepts take YEARS for people to understand but you're almost there! MASTERING READING MUSIC! So proud of you! Take your time with the video. REALLY look at his diagrams and details and focus in on what he's saying! Understanding points in this video is CRUCIAL to reading music. For 6th & 7th grade, THIS IS TRICKY STUFF! I wouldn't ever advance you this far this fast but I feel like taking this info in will (at least) keep you understanding where you're heading for next year! 8th grade, this is a FANTASTIC jumping off point to reading music in HS! We'll do a lot of sight reading and note work this week! Get ready! (Remember, if you're having trouble logging on to this video, log out of everything, close your browser and try again. If that doesn't work, just try again later. Edpuzzle could be overwhelmed with all the students trying to use it!) Grab your edpuzzle in the Google Classroom! LOVE YOU! GO :D

Week 4 Online Learning (above)

5/6-8/2020 (3 days) - entered into PS as "#9 Daily Assignment"

  • Continuing with rhythm work today! Make sure to read the whole document! We'll get into reading some notes/ music soon :D Ready, set, go!

5/4-5/2020 (2 days) - entered into PS as "#8 Daily Assignment"

  • Rhythm Monday and Tuesday! Remember, when I write two dates, it means you have TWO days :D This assignment contains very important fundamentals of music that may be a really easy review for some! But to others, it's a fantastic review of what we've learned in class that should lock in notes for the rest of the year and into next year! Get ready! Read and follow the directions on the google doc and take the short Quiz (located in the google doc) after! Have a great day! GO!

Week 3 Online Learning (above)

5/1/2020 (1 day) - not entered into PS

  • Karaoke Friday! Use today wisely! Make sure to participate in the fun! Also, use the time to catch up on the work you've missed in Chorus this week! If you have any questions, I'll try to be on my email all day!

4/30/2020 (2 days) - in PS as "#7 Daily Assignment"

  • Okay kiddos, I'm sorry I'm a few minutes late on our assignment today! However, it should be a nice, easy break for you between your studies! You have an EDpuzzle to do that has been assigned on Google Classroom. Head on over to check it out! Hope you enjoy this lesson on song-writing tips! (How to read notes fast)

4/29/2020 (1 day) - in PS as #6 Daily Assignment"

  • You have two tasks for today! Shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes!
    • Task #1: Set yourself up in a comfortable (but sturdy chair). You might want to use headphones. Do this exercise while seated - I cannot stress what I just said, enough. Have your hand flat on your stomach for the duration of the video, right above your belly button; this will help you pay close attention to your breathing. You probably haven't done a warm-up like this in a long time so be careful and take a breathing break if you need to! Again, this is why I want you seated! Watch this youtube video and follow along with the exercise! Have fun with it! Remember to drop the jaw! Then complete "Task #2", below.
    • Task #2: Take this quick survey to let me know how you did!

4/27-28/2020 (2 days) - not entered into PS

Week 2 Online Learning (above)

4/24/2020 (1 day) - not entered into PS

  • Karaoke Friday! Use today wisely! Make sure to participate in the fun! Also, use the time to catch up on the work you've missed in Chorus this week! If you have any questions, I'll try to be on my email all day!

4/23/2020 (1 day) - in PS as "#5 Daily Assignment"

  • This assignment is short and sweet - don't stress. Just BE YOURSELF! I need you to fill out a google form, that's it!

4/22/2020 (1 day) - in PS as "#4 Daily Assignment"

  • There is an edpuzzle video for you to submit today! It's very short! Please make sure you've done the assignments for Monday and Tuesday BEFORE you do today's lesson. Today's lesson won't make any sense if you do it in any other order. PLEASE make sure to enter your correct information for full credit! No nicknames and please use your school email.
  • Utilize the "rewatch" button any time you need to go back and review something before you answer the questions in the video!
  • NOTE! If you're having trouble accessing the edpuzzle, follow these steps:
      • Close out of all tabs and your browser, completely. Try the link below one more time.
      • If that still doesn't work, email me and I'll set you up with a new link.
  • Read everything above? Ready? Set? Go to your edpuzzle!

4/20-21/2020 (2 days) - in PS as "#3a Daily Assignment" and "#3b Daily Assignment"

    • Open the following google document and complete the Day 1 and Day 2 task! You have two days to complete this assignment because it is in two parts. PLEASE COMPLETE THE GOOGLE DOC READING AND LESSON FIRST BEFORE YOU TAKE THE QUIZZIZ QUIZ VIA GOOGLE CLASSROOM!!

4/17/2020 (1 day) - not entered into PS

    • Chorus Mastery, please check google classroom for your MANDATORY assignment due TODAY.
    • It's Karaoke Friday! Scroll down to read Karaoke rules and access our Karaoke Flipgrid for today.

4/15-16/2020 (2 days) - in PS as "#2 Daily Assignment"

    • Open the following google doc and complete the #1 task. You have two days to complete this assignment. NOTE: when you've completed the form, a lot of your answers like "first and last name" will appear as a wrong answer. Don't be discouraged! I know you're doing the right thing and I'll grade accordingly. Idk how to use all this technology stuff yet, haha :]
    • Compare and Contrast Concert Repertoire #1

4/14/2020 (1 day) - in PS as "#1 Daily Assignment"

    • Check your email for our Chorus newsletter (your activity for today is located within that google doc under the date heading labeled 4/14/2020).

Week 1 Online Learning (above)

Karaoke Fridays

I miss Karaoke Fridays as much as you! Use the buttons below to submit karaoke Friday videos! Fill the grid! Use the FlipGrid link to submit a Karaoke Friday song for all to see! Remember the rules of karaoke!

  • You may need two devices... one to record, and one to play the karaoke track. Idk, I've never done this before. It's an adventure!!
  • Applaud for yourself!
  • Choose a SCHOOL APPROPRIATE SONG (if you can't print the lyrics and read them in front of Mr. Sutton or my Grandma Jean without getting super embarrassed, then that's not the right song!)
  • Do not screenshot or record anyone else's videos!
  • Remember: other people can see your videos!
  • Have fun! Be your BEST BEYONCE!

All done? Here are some extra activities!

*** Running Calendar of Events for Chorus 2019-2020 ***

8th Grade Featured Stars