NYC Trip

7th and 8th Grade Only

Last update: 7/7/2020

Fellow travelers, I've just sent out an email to you all with more information on the status of the refund:

Good afternoon, parents!
I hope you and your kiddos are all doing well! I just wanted to update you again on the status of the NYC refund. As of now, Holiday Tours has only been refunded our money from Broadway. They are still waiting to receive a refund from MLB. As soon as they receive that money, they will issue us our refund check, and MMS will then mail your refund check directly to you.
If you have not filled out this form, PLEASE do so at your earliest convenience (especially if any of your information has changed within the last few weeks)! This will ensure the check goes to the right place and person when our money is returned.
I apologize profusely for the delay in refund, and I understand and commiserate with your concerns and frustrations. I know this is a lot of money you are waiting on, and I will be working throughout the summer until the refunds are on the way to you! Please do not hesitate to reach out via email with concerns.
Please give my love to your kids! Missing them all so very much!- Ms. G

Last update: 4/27/2020

Fellow travelers, I've just sent out an email to you all with more information on the status of the refund:

Hello distanced friends!
Here with your update on the money! Mrs. Wood and I have been in contact with the tour company in regards to the NYC trip. We are still waiting to hear back from them on when we will receive the refunds. They made the tough decision to furlough 275 of their employees a couple weeks ago, so it’s just a handful of people who are working on getting refunds for all of the schools and organizations they had scheduled for trips this spring. At this point, we are unsure of the timeline for refunds being issued, but as soon as we hear something, we will let you all know.
At this time, I am working on double checking my work on the correct amounts deposited per family. That way, the minute we receive the check back from the company, I'll do my best and work as fast as possible to get that money back to you. We will issue one refund check per family with the total amount due back for all students and/or chaperones included in that check. All money fundraised must stay in the MMS Chorus account, per NHCS policy.
Thank you all so much for your continued patience and understanding throughout this entire ordeal. We will keep you posted as soon as new information is received. I SO wish we were preparing to leave in a few days but I know that keeping everyone safe and distancing means that when we're back together, we'll ALL be there <3 Sending so much love to you and your families!
Thank you!- Christina Guenther

Last update: 3/26/2020

Fellow travelers, I've just sent out an email to you all with unfortunate news of our trip. Here are the contents of the email:

Good afternoon, wonderful parents, guardians and students!
Mrs. Wood and Ms. Guenther are writing this email together and we'd like to express our deepest sorrow and sadness about having to even write this at all! You've probably already heard that we have (very unfortunately) had to cancel our NYC Chorus trip. If you haven't heard though, I'm so beyond sorry to have to break the news! We are so thankful for your hard work and dedication towards making the planning and possibility of this trip happen; it's so incredibly disappointing to think of all the fun times and memories that would have been made. Once the dust from this virus has settled, we will absolutely try again next year!
We're currently speaking with Holiday Tours to obtain a refund for tickets and reservations that have already been purchased. We truly appreciate your continued patience while we work through these unforeseen circumstances.
Please continue to be safe and well, and reach out to either of us if we or our schools can do anything to support you during this time.
Love to you all! 🎼🎶❤-Mrs. Wood and Ms. G

What to do now:

  • If you could not access the google form through the email, please use the form below. You may need to have your child use their student log in (firstname.lastname@ pw:lunch number) to access the form. This will help speed the process for you to receive your reimbursement check.
  • If you did not receive an email from me, that means your email bounced back. Please email me asap at

Until next time...


November --- CandlesJanuary --- Popcorn with MidTown Pop


Awesome chaperones!! It is imperative that you pass certification as a Level Two Volunteer. Otherwise, you are not allowed to attend the trip as a chaperone. Please follow the link to this PowerPoint, review, and complete the links at the end of the PowerPoint. Make sure to let me know when you have passed this certification. Thank you!