
Office Hours for Ms. G


12:00 - 12:20 PM


12:00 - 12:20 PM


12:00 - 12:20 PM


12:00 - 12:20 PM


12:00 - 12:20 PM

The BEST way to reach me is via email OR Google Chat. Use my email, christina.guenther@nhcs.net.

Week At A Glance

Please refer to your child's Google Classroom for the work due each week.

Handouts and Forms

Any handouts or forms that I pass out in class will also be posted here.

In the MMS drive-through on 8/12/2020, you should have received items 1-5 in a packet. If you did not receive these items, there are some at the front office of Murray and outside Minnie Evans. If you have access to a printer, you may also print these items at home! There will be packets available for you to pick up at the main office during school hours.

(Apologies to 8th grade. I did not have this packet ready for you on time.)

Item 6 is a VERY helpful tool for online learning!

Welcome to MMS Chorus - Getting to know Ms. G

1. Read this page with your parent or guardian and put it as the first page of your chorus binder!

Tips for Recording at Home

2. Read these pages with your parent or guardian and put this in the worksheet section of your binder.

First Week of School & Supply List

3. Read through this supply list and make sure you've prepared yourself for the first week of online learning by checking off items on the Chorus "To Do" list!

Theory Reference Sheet Packet.pdf

4. You should only print page 5 of this packet! You do not need to print any other pages! Can be color printed or not - doesn't matter!


5. As a musician, it's a good idea to always have manuscript paper on hand! Print these out as needed to write musical exercises down throughout the year!

Student Checklist for Success (Grade Specific)

6. Better late than never! I created a "cheat sheet" for online learning. Print this form to have handy every day! Check to make sure you're printing the right form according to grade level for your child! Let me know if I made any mistakes on the schedule!

Supplies for the 2020-2021 School Year

  • 1 inch black binder (no writing or designs on the cover). This binder is to be used ONLY for Chorus. Upon return to the chorus classroom, you will keep this binder with all your Chorus materials in your assigned binder slot.

  • Pencils

  • Some white printer paper

  • 3 hole punch

  • Ruler

  • Pencil pouch for your binder (the link is for 2 but you only need one)

  • 5 tabs for your binder labeled with the following:

    1. QoD

    2. Vocabulary

    3. Worksheets

    4. Tests/Quizzes

    5. Music

  • Some loose-leaf paper to keep in your binder - you don’t need a whole pack

Supply Wish-list For Our Classroom

  • Colored Pencils/ Markers

  • Hand Sanitizer

  • Tissues

  • Sidewalk Chalk

  • Pencils

  • Clorox Wipes

  • Lysol Spray

  • Paper Towels

Calendars and Schedules

NHCS Calendar.pdf
Plan B AA_BB Schedules with Mastery 11.9.20.pdf