Grade 6 Syllabus

Bigelow Literacy Lab- Grade 6

Course Syllabus

Ms. Roberta Goganian

Welcome to Grade 6 Literacy Lab! It is a multi-faceted course providing small group instruction in reading and writing that is coordinated with the Common Core Standards and the Massachusetts Standards for Literacy. In addition to direct and explicit reading instruction, this course includes informal text-based writing experiences that support the development of critical reasoning. The course of study is coordinated with the reading and writing expectations for grade six core academic subjects. I am pleased to share with you an overview of the course content and expectations for the Literacy Lab. If you would like to contact me, my email is

The following captures the areas that I will address in Literacy Lab:

Direct instruction in the five domains of literacy: comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar and phonics. All instruction and student goals will be connected to the Common Core Standards.

Explicit modeling of reading strategies to support comprehension.

Modeling of close reading of complex text and critical thinking strategies: Empower Brain Frames, Notice and Note, Making Thinking Visible

Explicit instruction and guided practice

Narrative and Expository Writing: written expression, stamina, CER--Claim Evidence and Reasoning

Systematic instruction in morphology (roots, prefixes and suffixes) and spelling conventions.

Vocabulary development

Passage reading practice for fluency building

Independent reading and individual reading conferences will be a regular recurring component of Literacy Lab

Ongoing formative assessment:

Reading level – running record assessments (QRI) , Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI)

Fluency: Read Naturally, Rasinki’s 3-Minute Fluency Assessment

Vocabulary: quizzes and ongoing work

Comprehension: SRI

Class discussion, notebook work, response writing

Spelling and morphology assessments

Grading Criteria:

Class Discussion, participation and effort: 30%

Classwork: 70%