Typing Club

If you would like your child to practice their typing over the weekend, I'll be keeping the information from last week's newsletter about this new online program here:

The website can be found through the Noelani Website under the "Online Resources" tab, but you can also follow this link to get to the website: Click here to visit TypingClub.com

The website requires a google account to login, so each 2nd grader has been assigned a Noelani google account. The email feature has been disabled, so for now, your child will not be able to use the google account for anything besides logging into this website. As your child gets to 4th and 5th grade (possibly 3rd as well) they will be using these google accounts more frequently. However, they currently only need them for this website.

Here's how your child can login to this site:

After logging in with your child's email and password, you'll see this screen:


If your child has misplaced their login information, feel free to email me as I have a copy of their login's as well. You can also allow your child to use one of your google accounts, but they will need to start over from the first lesson.