Weekly Reading Vocabulary Words

The following vocabulary words are those that will be covered throughout the year

Unit 1 Week 1

afraidWhen you are afraid, you are scared of something.dependWhen you depend on someone, you need or count on them.nervouslyWhen I act nervously, I act in a fearful or restless way.peeredPeered means looked hard or looked closely at something.perfectlyWhen something is perfectly wonderful, it is wonderful in the best possible way.rescueWhen you rescue something, you save it from danger.secretA secret is something that is private or not known by many people.

Unit 1 Week 2

culturePeople of the same culture share the same way of life at a certain time in history. Cognate: culturafairI am fair when I treat my friends in a just and honest way.invitedWhen people are invited, they are asked in a nice way to do something or to go somewhere.languageLanguage is the way we speak, read, write, or sign.pleadWhen you plead for something, you beg or argue to get what you want.scurriesWhen something scurries, it scampers or runs quickly.shareWhen I share, I give part of something I have to someone else.

Unit 1 Week 3

differentWhen things are different , they are not the same.friendshipFriendship means being pals and helping one another.glanceGlance means to look at quickly.properWhen I am proper , I act in a correct way.relationshipWhen you have a relationship , you have a connection with someone.Cognate: relaciónstaresWhen someone stares , he or she looks at something for a while with eyes wide open.tradeWhen I trade with someone, I give one thing away to get something else.

Unit 1 Week 4

allowedWhen you are not allowed to do something, you do not have permission.careWhen you care for something, you meet its needs.excitedWhen I am excited , I am all worked up about something that happened.needsA person’s or an animal’s needs are things they must have.safeWhen I am safe , I am free from harm or danger.wanderedDuring a snowstorm, the animals wandered around looking for shelter.wildThe wild is a place in nature where animals live.

Unit 1 Week 5

chooseWhen you choose , you decide on one thing rather than another.choresYour chores are small jobs that you do around the house.costWhen you ask about the cost of something, you want to know how much you have to pay for it.customersCustomers are people who buy something from a store or company.jobsJobs are the work that people do to earn money.spendWhen you spend , you use money to buy or pay for something.toolsTools are equipment used to make or repair things.

Unit 2 Week 1

climateThe climate of a place is the weather that it usually has.eagerWhen you are eager to do something, you want to do it very much.freedomIf you have freedom, you can do what you want and go where you want.freshWhen something is fresh, it is new or not spoiled.senseSense means a feeling you have about something.shadowsShadows are dark shapes that are made when something is in front of a light.silenceIf there is silence, it is still and quiet.

Unit 2 Week 2

deliciousThe dogs ate all of their food. When food is delicious , it tastes very good.feastIf you feast , you eat a large or fancy meal.fondWhen you are fond of something, you like it a lot.lessonsLessons are things you can learn ideas or rules from.remarkableIf something is remarkable , it is wonderful or outstanding.snatchIf you snatch something, you grab it quickly.storiesWhen you tell stories , you tell made-up tales.

Unit 2 Week 3

escapeIf you escape something, you get out of it or away from it.habitatA habitat is the place where an animal or plant usually lives or grows.journeyA journey is a trip.natureNature is all the things outdoors not made by people.peeksIf a person peeks, they take a quick look.restlessIf you cannot stay still or quiet, then you are restless.spiesIf a person spies something, that person watches for something and sees it.

Unit 2 Week 4

aliveIf something is alive , it is living.coveredIf something is covered , there is something all over it.furFur is thick animal hair.giantSomething that is giant is very large.groomWhen animals groom each other, they clean each other.mammalA mammal is any warm-blooded animal that feeds milk to its babies.Cognate: mamíferooffspringOffspring are the children or young of people or animals.

Unit 2 Week 5

expressWhen you express your feelings, you tell or show how you feel about something. Cognate: expresarfeathersFeathers are the soft things that cover a bird’s body.flapping If something is flapping, it is moving up and down.poemA poem is a form of writing that expresses imagination or feelings. Cognate: poemarhymeWhen two words rhyme, they have the same ending sounds. Cognate: rimarrhythmRhythm is the repeating accents, or beats, in a poem. Cognate: ritmoword choiceWord choice is the use of rich, colorful, exact words.

Unit 3 Week 1

forceA force is a push or a pull that can change how something moves.measureIf you measure something, you find the size or amount of it.objectsObjects are things that you can see and touch.Cognate: objetosprovedIf you proved that something is true, you showed that it is true.speedThe speed of something is how fast it moves.trueIf something is true, it is correct.weightThe weight of something is how heavy it is.

Unit 3 Week 2

delightedIf you feel delighted , you feel very pleased about something.dreamedIf you dreamed about something you want to have happen, you imagined it happening.enjoyedIf you enjoyed doing something, you liked doing it.grumbledIf something grumbled , it made a low rumbling sound.moonlightMoonlight is the moon’s glow that you often see at night.neighborA neighbor is a person who lives near you.nighttimeNighttime is the dark part of the day.

Unit 3 Week 3

borrowIf you borrow something, you take it and agree to return it later.countrysideThe countryside is land that is away from cities or large towns.ideaAn idea is a thought or a plan you have for something.Cognate: ideainsistsIf someone insists on something, they say firmly that it must be done.Cognate: insistirlonelyA lonely place is one that very few people visit.solutionA solution is a way to answer a problem.Cognate: soluciōnvillagesVillages are very small towns in the country.

Unit 3 Week 4

dangerousIf something is dangerous , it is not safe and could harm you.destroyIf you destroy something, you break it so it cannot be used anymore.eventAn event is something that happens.harshIf something is harsh , it is difficult and does not feel good.preventIf you prevent something, you stop it from happening.warningA warning is something that lets people know that something dangerous may happen.weatherThe weather is what the air is like at a certain place and time.

Unit 3 Week 5

concertA concert is a musical performance played by a number of musicians.instrumentMusical instruments are tools used to make music.movementsMovements are the ways of moving.musicMusic is the pleasing sounds made by a singer or musical instrument, such as a piano or guitar.rhythmRhythm is the repeating of sounds or movements to create a beat.soundsSounds are noises that can be heard.understandWhen you understand something, you know what it means.

Unit 4 Week 1

growthA growth is something that grows or has grown.layersIf something has layers , it is made up of different parts or levels sitting on top of one another.livelySomething that is lively is active and full of life and energy.locationA location is a place.regionA region is a large part of the surface of Earth.seasonsThe seasons are the four parts of the year that each have their own kind of weather.temperateA temperate place is a place that is never very hot or very cold.

Unit 4 Week 2

earthThe earth is the ground or land we walk on.explodeWhen things explode , they burst loudly and with a lot of force.islandAn island is land that has water all around it.Cognate: islalocalSomething that is local is nearby.propertiesThe properties of something are the different ways it looks and acts.solidSomething that is solid is firm and hard and keeps its shape.steepSomething that is steep has a very sharp slope.

Unit 4 Week 3

costumeA costume is clothing you wear to look like something or someone else.customsCustoms are ways of acting or events that a group of people has done over and over again. Cognate: costumbresfavoriteYour favorite thing is something you like the best.Cognate: favoritoparadesParades are large groups of people, including bands, moving through a public place for a special event.surroundedIf something is surrounded by something else, the first thing is closed in on all sides by the second thing.travelsIf something travels over or through a place, it goes over or through there.wonderIf you wonder about something, you think about it because you are curious about it.

Unit 4 Week 4

boastIf you boast about something, you brag about it.dashIf you dash somewhere, you go there quickly and suddenly.hollerIf you holler , you yell or shout.plentyIf there is plenty of something, there is a lot of it so you have enough.similaritiesIf there are similarities between two things, they are much the same in certain ways.victoryA victory is winning a contest or game.wisdomWisdom is knowing what is right and using what you know to make smart choices.

Unit 4 Week 5

exciteThings that excite make a person feel happy or eager.outdoorsWhen something is outdoors , it is outside and not inside a building.dropsDrops are small amounts of liquid that fall in a round shape.alliterationI like to read a poem with alliteration because I like to say the same beginning sound in words.free verseIn free verse , the words do not need to rhyme.repetitionPoets who repeat words or phrases in a poem are using repetition . Cognate: repeticiónsimile“Bill was as fast as a cricket” is an example of a simile. It uses the word as to compare two unlike things.

Unit 5 Week 1

determinedIf you determined something, you decided it. Cognate: determinarissuesIssues are important problems or topics that people are talking or arguing about.promisesPromises are things you tell people you will definitely do. Cognate: promesasresponsibilityIf you have a responsibility to do something, it is your duty to do it. Cognate: responsabilidadrightsYour rights are the things the law says you can do or have.volunteeredIf you volunteered to do something, you offered to do it.votesIf something has votes , people chose it over something else. Cognate: votos

Unit 5 Week 2

cooperateIf you cooperate with someone, you work together on something.Cognate: cooperardescribeIf you describe something, you tell about it in words.entertainedIf something entertained you, it pleased or interested you.imaginationYour imagination is your ability to make up ideas and form pictures in your mind.interactWhen people or things interact , they act on and affect each other.patientWhen you are patient , you calmly wait for something.peacefulA peaceful place is calm and quiet.

Unit 5 Week 3

challengingIf something is challenging, it is difficult and takes effort to do.discoverIf you discover something, you find it or find out about it.heroesHeroes are people who have done brave things.interestIf you have an interest in something, you like it and want to learn more about it.performWhen you perform in a play or movie, you act in it.studyWhen you study something, you read, practice, or think about it so that you can learn it.succeedIf you succeed in doing something, you do it the way you wanted to.

Unit 5 Week 4

distanceIf something is at a distance from you, it is far away from you. Cognate: distanciaEarth resourcesEarth resources are things found in nature that people can use.enormousSomething that is enormous is very large in size or amount. Cognate: enormegentlyIf you do something gently, you do it in a way that is light and not rough.proudlyIf you did something proudly, you did it in a way that showed you were pleased with what you did.rarelyIf something happens rarely it does not happen often.supplyA supply of something is an amount of it that is ready to use when you need it.

Unit 5 Week 5

finallyIf something finally happens, it happens after a long time.formWhen you form something, you make or shape it.historyHistory is the story of what happened in the past.publicIf something is public , it is for all people to use or visit.rulesRules are directions that tell how to do something or what is allowed.unitedWhen things are united , they are brought or joined together.writersWriters are people who write stories, books, and articles.

Unit 6 Week 1

cropsCrops are large numbers of plants that are grown for food.developWhen things develop, they grow and change.edgeThe edge of something is the line or border where it ends.goldenSomething that is golden is bright and yellow like gold.rustledIf something rustled, it made a soft crackling sound.shiningIf something is shining, it is giving out light.stagesStages of life are periods or parts of life that are different from one another.

Unit 6 Week 2

energyEnergy is power from things, such as electricity or the Sun, that can be used to heat things and make lights and machines work.flowsIf something flows somewhere, it moves there in a steady stream.haulIf you haul something heavy, you carry it.powerPower is any kind of energy that can be used to make lights and machines work.silentSomething that is silent is totally quiet and makes no sound.solarSomething that is called solar is caused by or related to the Sun.undergroundSomething that is underground is beneath the surface of the earth.

Unit 6 Week 3

importantSomething that is important matters a lot or is needed. Cognate: importantemachinesA machine is a tool made of different parts that is used to do a kind of work. Cognate: máquinaprepareWhen you prepare yourself for something, you get ready for it. Cognate: prepararrepairIf you repair something that is broken, you fix it. Cognate: repararresultA result is something that happened because of something else that happened. Cognate: resultadoscientificIf something is scientific, it has to do with science. Cognate: cientificoteamworkTeamwork is when people work together for a goal.

Unit 6 Week 4

moneyMoney is the dollars and cents that you can use to buy things.pricesThe prices of things are how much you have to pay to buy them.purchasePurchase means to get something by paying money.recordIf there is a record of something, there are facts written down about it.systemA system is a plan or set of rules for doing something.valueThe value of something is how much it is worth.worthIf something is worth a certain amount of money, it costs that much money to buy it.

Unit 6 Week 5

dazzlingSomething that is dazzling is very bright.imaginationWhen you use your imagination, you visualize ideas in your mind.secondsWhen you measure something in seconds, it is 1/60th of a minute.Introduce each poetry term on Reading/Writing Workshop page 461. Explain that children will find examples in this week’s selectionsbeatsThe beats of a poem are the syllables that make rhythm in a line of poetry.messageThe poet used the poem to share her message about using your imagination.metaphor“I’m a swan” is a metaphor because it compares two unlike thingsrepeated linesSometimes poets use repeated lines. They include the same line at least twice in a poem.