Cadet Knowledge

Quiz on Orders to the Sentry and Chain of Command:

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Orders to the Sentry (updated July 2015)

1. Take charge of this post and all government property in view.

2. Walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.

3. Report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

4. Repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own.

5. Quit my post only when properly relieved.

6. Receive, obey and pass on to the sentry who relieves me, all orders from the Commanding Officer, Command Duty Officer, Officer of the Deck, and Officers and Petty Officers of the Watch only.

7. Talk to no one except in the line of duty.

8. Give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

9. Call the Officer of the Deck in any case not covered by instructions.

10. Salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.

11. Be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.

Chain of Command

The Commander in Chief: President Joseph R. Biden

The Vice President of the United States: Vice President Kamala D. Harris

The Secretary of Defense: Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III

Secretary of the Navy: Secretary Carlos Del Toro

The Chief of Naval Operations: Admiral Michael M. Gilday, USN

The Commander of Naval Education and Training Command: Rear Admiral Peter Garvin, USN

The Commander of Naval Service Training Command: Rear Admiral Jennifer S. Couture, USN (please note that Couture rhymes with suture)

NJROTC Area 5 Manager: Lieutenant Commander James R. Landis, USN (Ret)

Senior Naval Science Instructor (SNSI): Captain David J. Randle, USN (Ret)

Naval Science Instructor (NSI): Chief Petty Officer (FMF) Robert V. Mack, USN (Ret)

Cadet Leadership

Commanding Officer: Cadet Commander Rebekah Meja

Executive Officer: Cadet Lieutenant Commander Breanna Shewbert

Operations Officer: Cadet Lieutenant Anna Redman

Administrative Officers: Cadet Lieutenant Junior Grade Dominique Guenther and Cadet Ensign Matthew Thompson

Supply Officers: Cadet Lieutenant Junior Grade Steven Cruz-Castillo

Other important personnel cadets should know:

The Secretary of State: Secretary Antony Blinken

NJROTC (National) Program Manager: Captain(retired) Tim Daseler

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff: General Mark A. Milley, USA

Commandant of the Marine Corps: General David H. Berger, USMC

Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps: Sergeant Major Troy E. Black, USMC

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy: Master Chief James M. Honea, USN

Form for Inspection

When the inspecting officer approaches the Platoon Commander, PC salutes and says “Good morning/afternoon/evening- Sir/Ma’am cadet RANK LAST NAME, standing by waiting for inspection Sir/ Ma’am.” Other platoon members do not salute, but just say "Good morning/afternoon/evening- Sir/Ma’am"

Knot Tying- Knots cadets will be expected to know are the:

- Square Knot (aka Reef Knot)

- Clove Hitch with a half hitch

- Becket Bend (aka Sheet Bend)

- Bowline

Information on how to tie these knots is available under "Reference Files" on this website, on, the free phone app Useful Knots,, and many other sources

Cadet Fitness Challenge: see pages 46-47 in the Cadet Reference Manual, 3rd edition, available at left under "Reference Files"

The new 2018 Fitness Challenge eliminates the cadence for pushups. Pushups and curlups are now as many as you can do in 2 minutes. The mile run remains unchanged.

Standards (how many you have to do at what age and gender in order to receive what level of achievement) and Awards (how many points you need for a gold lamp, silver lamp etc) are on the Reference Files page.


Pushup Cadence for Athletic Meets (NOT for Cadet Fitness Challenge) (much faster cadence)


Watches: 0000 - 0400 Mid watch

0400 - 0800 Morn watch

0800 - 1200 Forenoon watch

1200 - 1600 Afternoon watch

1600 - 1800 First dog watch

1800 - 2000 Second dog watch

2000 - 2400 Evening watch (First watch in other English-speaking navies)

It is common for the watch relief to be at the watch station 30 minutes early, and the watch to relieve 15 minutes early.

Bells: 30 minutes after watch starts: 1 bell 1230

1 hour after watch starts: 2 bells 1300

1 hour 30 minutes after watch starts 3 bells 1330

2 hours after watch starts: 4 bells 1400

2 hours 30 minutes after watch starts: 5 bells 1430

3 hours after watch starts: 6 bells 1500

3 hours 30 minutes after watch starts: 7 bells 1530

4 hours after watch starts: 8 bells 1600

Please note that the two dog watches (1600 - 2000) go from 1 to 8 bells; they do not start over at 1800.