
The Constitution for the Muskego High School

Spanish National Honor Society

(Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica)

Article 1: Name and purpose

Section 1: Name

The name of this organization shall be: Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica Capítulo: Frida Kahlo (Spanish National Honor Society Chapter: Frida Kahlo)

Section 2: Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be: to recognize high achievement in Spanish by students of Muskego High School, to promote leadership in the school, and to promote cultural awareness in the community.

Section 3: Sponsorship

The SNHS shall be under the sponsorship and supervision of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (SHH) and the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP).

Article 2: Membership

Section 1: Qualifications

Students must have completed 3 semester of high school Spanish. They must maintain a 3.6 GPA in their Spanish course work and a 3.0 overall.

Section 2: Application Procedures:

1. The advisor and officers will hold 2 informational meetings regarding applications. The meetings will be held at the beginning of the second semester.

2. In order to apply, potential applicants must attend one of the two informational meetings.

3. The application will include:

a. A general application which includes name, grade, and verification of GPA by a guidance counselor.

b. Recommendation by current Spanish teacher.

c. Recommendation by three teachers from other disciplines.

d. An essay which introduces the candidate, and explains his/her potential contribution to the group.

e. a project of choice.

4. All applications will be due on a date specified by the advisor.

5. All accepted applicants must attend the rehearsal and initiation ceremony.

6. All candidates must abide by these rules unless a legitimate reason is presented to and approved by the advisor and current officers 5 days prior to the event.

Section 3: General Membership.

1. Members must be enrolled in Spanish and maintain the GPAs mentioned in Article 2, Section 1.

2. Members must earn a minimum of 3 service points per grading period (to reach the yearly goal of 12). Points can be earned by attending tertulias, tutoring (required activity), participating in service projects and bringing supplies for events. No points are given for meetings.

3. It is the responsibility of each member to complete “Point Verification Forms” within one day of an event or meeting and turn said form in to be recorded by the Secretary.

4. Senior members must have earned all 12 points by the end of the third academic quarter, OR be able to demonstrate that they will earn those points by the completion of the initiation ceremony for that academic year, if they wish to order and wear honor cords during graduation.

5. Service awards will be awarded for those earning greater than 15 points during the academic year.

6. All members must attend the initiation ceremony.

7. Attendance is mandatory to all meetings unless a legitimate reason is presented to, and approved by, the advisor and officers AT LEAST THREE DAYS PRIOR TO the meeting or event.

8. If an event is missed due to an unforeseen circumstance (emergency/illness), members must turn in an excuse within 2 days of return to school.

Article 3: Warnings, Probation and Dismissal

Section 1: Warnings

1. If you are unexcused for two mandatory meetings/activities, a written warning will be issued.

2. A Code Card violation will result in either a written warning from the organization, suspension or termination of membership as appropriate.

Section 2: Probation

1. A member with a Spanish GPA lower than 3.6 will be put on probation for a semester with a chance to raise his/her grade.

2. A second unexcused absence from a meeting or event will result in the member being placed on probation for a semester.

3. A member with a cumulative GPA lower than 3.0 will be placed on probation and given a semester to raise his/her grade.

4. If a member does not fulfill the service points required per quarter he/she will be placed on probation, and given one quarter to fulfill the required amount of service points.

5. If put on probation, a member is still required to fulfill general membership requirements.

Section 3: Dismissal

1. If a member has been placed on probation because of a GPA which is below the required minimum, in Spanish or cumulative, and that member fails to raise the GPA during the semester of probation, he/she will be dismissed from membership.

2. After a third unexcused absence from a meeting or event, a member will be dismissed.

3. If 10 service points are not completed by the required due date (date of initiation ceremony for seniors or other published date for all other members) that member will be dismissed.

4. A second Code Card violation will result in dismissal.

5. If dismissal occurs, there is no way to regain membership.

Article 4: Officers

Section 1: Officers

1. The officers will be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian

2. The Executive Board will be composed of the officers and the faculty advisor.

Section 2: Term

The term of office for all officers shall be one year from his/her election.

Section 3: Qualifications

1. Must attend an informational meeting.

2. Must be a current SNHS member in good standing at time of nomination.

3. Must have no warnings or probations during any year of membership.

Section 4: Election

The members will elect officers during the last SNHS meeting of the academic year.

Section 5: Duties

1. President

a. Shall preside over all general meetings.

b. Shall preside over all executive board meetings.

c. Shall, in cooperation with the other officers, initiate all new members.

d. Shall oversee all events and activities to ensure committee chairpersons are on task and on time with duties and assignments.

e. Shall serve as a committee chairperson for appropriate activities.

f. Shall coordinate tertulias.

g. Shall create a PowerPoint presentation to be viewed at the initiation which illustrates the service events and activities from that academic year

2. Vice President

a. Shall perform all of the duties of the President in his/her absence.

b. Shall publicize all meetings and events with announcements and/or flyers/posters as appropriate.

c. Shall be responsible for submitting press releases/announcements to the local newspapers for appropriate items.

c. Shall in cooperation with the President and other officers coordinate and facilitate all service activities.

d. Shall serve as a committee chairperson for appropriate activities.

e. Shall coordinate tutoring.

3. Secretary

a. Shall record all minutes of meetings and post them.

b. Shall be responsible for keeping constitution updated, correct, and provide copies to each member of the organization.

c. Shall take roll at each meeting and keep updated records of member attendance; including sending notices of missed meetings and keeping records for excused absences.

d. Shall, in cooperation with the other officers, initiate new members.

e. Shall serve as a committee chairperson for appropriate activities.

f. Shall coordinate the Hearts in Motion drive (or other service project).

g. Shall write the Highlights article for publication at parent-teacher conferences.

4. Treasurer

a. Shall keep the financial records for SNHS including, but not limited to: completing forms for requesting fundraising dates, writing summary reports on fundraising, counting, and depositing money.

b. Shall, in cooperation with the other officers, coordinate and facilitate all service activities.

c. Shall serve as a committee chairperson for appropriate activities.

Section 6: Dismissal

Members of the executive board may be dismissed from their positions after consultation with the advisor and/or actions taken by the advisor.

Article 5: Dues & fees

Section 1: Dues

1. Every member upon acceptance into the society shall pay dues in the amount of $20 which includes the cost of a t-shirt.

2. It shall be a one-time payment.

Section 2: Fees

1. Senior members who have earned an honor cord will pay for that cord in an amount equal to whatever the current published fees are.

Article 6: Meetings

Section 1: Meetings

a. Meetings will be held at least once per month. Additional meetings will be called depending on current activities.

b. All meetings are considered mandatory. See Article 3 regarding warnings, probation and dismissal for missed meetings.

Article 7: Advisor

Section 1: Definition

The Muskego High School Administration shall appoint a staff member.

Section 2: Duties

1. The advisor shall attend all SNHS meetings, executive board meetings, and functions, or ensure that another responsible adult/staff member is present.

2. The advisor shall aid the SNHS in all of its functions.

Article 8: Scholarships

Section 1: Eligibility

Any senior member of the SNHS, in good standing may apply for the Premio de Honor.

Section 2: Application

1. Senior members will submit an application including basic information and a recommendation from his/her current Spanish teacher.

2. Senior members will write and submit an essay describing their contributions to SNHS, interest in the Spanish language and culture, and their future plans to incorporate Spanish language/culture into their career or educational goals.

Section 3: Amount of scholarship(s)

1. The Premio de Honor will be awarded every year to the most deserving senior member of the SNHS. Each year the recipient will receive an honor stole and certificate, and his/her name will be submitted to the national organization.

2. Those seniors who are not selected to receive the Premio de Honor, but are still considered worthy of recognition, may receive other scholarships. Those students will receive Certificados de Excelencia, and a pin.

3. The dollar amount for the Premio de Honor and the number of other scholarships, if any, will be determined by the executive board and the advisor based on fund raising for the current academic year.

Revised – April 17, 2008

Revised – May 12, 2011

Revised – September 5, 2011

Revised – March 9, 2012