Here’s what Dublin looks like from the International Space Station

Post date: Nov 2, 2014 4:31:36 PM

IT’S A BEAUTIFUL Sunday afternoon in Dublin today, but can anyone beat this view of our capital city?

It was taken from the International Space Station by astronaut Reid Wiseman, and tweeted to his 356,000 followers a little while ago.

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Source: Reid Wiseman/Twitter

Flight engineer Wiseman is on Expedition 41 of the ISS, and he has form when it comes to making us all blush.

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Here’s his tweet of the island on a cloudy horizon, from this summer:

Source: Reid Wiseman/Twitter

Which was followed by this beauty:

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Source: Reid Wiseman/Twitter

Expedition 35 Commander, Chris Hadfield, showed us this beautiful shot of the capital at night time, back in February 2013:

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Source: Chris Hadfield/Twitter

Keep them coming, guys…