Exam Questions
Atmosphere & Oceanic Environment Exam Questions
- 2014 Exam Question: Exchanges of water between oceans and atmosphere, over the earth’s surface, impact on precipitation and its distribution patterns.Discuss.
- 2013 Exam Question: Give an account of how atmosphere-ocean phenomena are measured and examine the importance of such measurements with reference to pressure, temperature, wind and humidity.
- 2012 Exam Question: Examine the exchange of water between the oceans and the atmosphere.
- 2011 Exam Question: Exchanges of water between ocean and atmosphere vary over the surface of the earth and this gives rise to distinctive weather conditions. Discuss this statement with reference to examples that you have studied.
Solar Energy & Global Temperature Exam Questions
- 2014 Exam Question: Examine the uneven distribution of temperature over the earth’s surface.
- 2012 Exam Question: The characteristics of climate can change over time and space. Discuss this statement with reference to examples that you have studied.
- 2010 Exam Question: Describe and explain why the characteristics of climate change over time.
Circulation Patterns Exam Questions
- 2013 Exam Questions Examine how circulation patterns in the atmosphere and/or the oceans affect weather and climate at the earth’s surface.
- 2010 Exam Question: Describe and explain the formation of mid-latitude depressions and the weather patterns associated with them.
Climatic Environments Exam Questions
- 2013 Exam Question: Examine one climate type that you have studied.
- 2011 Exam Question: Account for the distinctive nature of one global climate that you have studied.
Climate & Economic Development Exam Questions
- 2014 Exam Questions Climate characteristics impact on economic development. Discuss
- 2012 Exam Question: Examine the impact of rainfall on agriculture and on domestic water supplies.
- 2011 Exam Question: Climate characteristics have an influence on economic development. Discuss this statement with reference to agriculture.
- 2010 Exam Question: Examine the impact of climate on the development of tourism in any region that you have studied.