Program resources

National Advisor of the Year Award

The SkillsUSA Advisor of the Year program recognizes Professional members who actualize the organization's mission of empowering students to become world-class workers, leaders, and responsible American citizens. A SkillsUSA chapter is only successful with the support of an Advisor who has dedicated themselves to career and technical education by intentionally integrating the SkillsUSA Framework and ensuring students can articulate the skills they have developed. State recipients are submitted to the regional competition. During NLSC, regional winners are interviewed, and a national winner is selected. The deadline to submit state-level recipients is April 1, 2023. 

Montana State deadline: February 15,2024


Recipients on the state, regional and national levels will serve as ambassadors to the organization by representing SkillsUSA at conferences, attending and exhibiting on behalf of SkillsUSA at industry trade shows and participating in social media engagement opportunities.

Eligibility requirements for regional or national consideration:

Note: An exception to these requirements may be made if the Advisor has retired during or prior to the year in which they are being submitted for National AOY consideration. The Advisor must have been a paid Professional member and met the minimum CEP requirement during their last year of teaching. A letter from an administrator stating the date of retirement must be submitted to the state director.

    Application areas:

Completing the Application: There are six primary essay-type questions to complete for each AOY application. The advisor should enter their responses for each question, clicking Save periodically. Advisors may find it easier to craft answers to these question in an offline Word document then copy/paste answers into the website. The advisor will be able to create their application by clicking on the Chapter Excellence Program icon on their homepage ( and then clicking “Create New AOY App”. You will be notified by state director to complete these tasks once CEP APP has been judged.

In order to advance an application to the Regional level, the advisor must upload the three letters of support, one from a School Administrator, one from a Student, and one from you, the SkillsUSA State Director. 

Montana Teacher of the Year award is also available, you just have to be nominated by your students!! 

The application is available on the SkillsUSA student tab.

Deadline is March 3, 2024

Nominate your Administrator this year for being Outstanding Administrator of the Year!! Due March 4, 2024

Download the application Here and email back to

Nominate your SkillsUSA teacher this year for being Montana Teacher of the Year!! Due March 3, 2024

Download the application Here and email back to