2. Cause of water shortage

Where and why does water shortage occur?

Water footprint refers to the total volume of water (in cubic metres) used to produce the goods and services for a person in a year, which includes all domestic and economic uses of water.

Could a drier climate be the cause?

Though consumption per capita is decreasing, the total demand is increasing.

High cost of water in Singapore compared to Hong Kong and Taiwan.

In southern, central and western India, hundreds of thousands of acres have been transformed into virtual deserts except during the four monsoon months.

An increasing population and rapid development are fast depleting the water resources it was blessed with: Rivers are dying, cities are overwhelmed by sewage, surface water has become toxic and underground aquifers are running close to non-usable levels.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/cnainsider/india-parched-earth-worst-water-crisis-history-bangalore-delhi-10758096

Political reason for water shortage - Up to 500,000 civilians in Mosul are facing a "catastrophic" drinking water shortage as Iraqi forces advance against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group in the city.

http://www.straitstimes.com/world/middle-east/500000-in-mosul-facing-catastrophic-water-shortages 30 Nov 2016