
1. What is water shortage?

    • Renewable supply of water through the hydrological cycle

    • Uses of water

      • Domestic (e.g. drinking, washing, cooking)

      • Economic (e.g. irrigation in agriculture and wafer fabrication)

    • Water shortage

      • Level of water usage exceeding available water supply

2. Which locations in the world are facing water shortage? Why does water shortage occur?

    • Distribution of water on Earth

      • Oceans

      • Freshwater in underground and surface storages

    • Locations in the world facing water shortage (e.g. northern Africa due to physical factors and central China due to human factors)

    • Causes of water shortage

      • Demand

        • Population growth

        • Affluence

      • Supply

        • Seasonal rainfall

        • Water pollution

3. How does water shortage impact people and countries?

    • Impact of water shortage on people

      • Domestic

        • Increased difficulty in collecting water (e.g. Mali), water rationing (e.g. Singapore in the 1960s)

      • Economic

        • Reduced agricultural yields (e.g. India)

        • Increased cost of industrial production (e.g. USA)

      • Political

        • Conflict over water supply (e.g. Mekong)

4. How can Singapore avoid water shortage?

    • Water resource management in Singapore

      • Reduce water consumption

        • Pricing (Water consumption tax)

        • Public education

      • Increase water supply

        • Local catchment water (e.g. Marina Barrage/Resevoir)

        • Imported water (e.g. Singapore – Malaysia water agreements)

        • NEWater

        • Desalinated water

      • Conservation

        • Protection of water resources

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