Energy Resources

1.What is an energy crisis?

    • Energy Resources

      • Early sources

        • Animals

        • Firewood

        • Wind power

      • Fossil fuels

        • Types of fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas

        • Formation and distribution of fossil fuels

        • Uses of fossil fuels and its associated environmental problems

    • Energy Crisis

      • Depletion of fossil fuel reserves

      • Increase in energy costs

2. Is the level of energy consumption the same everywhere? Why do they differ?

    • Energy Consumption of Singapore and Selected Countries (e.g. China and USA)

      • Current level of consumption

      • Past and future rate of growth

    • Reasons for High Energy Consumption

      • Industrial growth (e.g. China, India, Singapore)

      • Affluence (e.g. USA)

3. How would an energy crisis impact society?

    • Impact of Increased Energy Costs

      • Social

        • Frequent interruption to electricity supply

        • Increased cost of living

      • Economic

        • Reduced competitiveness

4.How can an energy crisis be avoided?

    • Reduce Energy Consumption (e.g. Singapore)

      • Energy conservation

      • Efficient use of energy

    • Alternative Energy Sources

      • Solar power (e.g. USA)

      • Wind power (e.g. Denmark)

      • Hydropower (e.g. China)

      • Nuclear energy (e.g. France)