1. Characteristics of rainforest

What is so special about the rainforest?

Where are the rainforest located?

• Amazon Basin (Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana,Suriname, French Guiana)

Play this game to identify the countries which the Amazon forest can be found:


• Congo Basin (the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo,Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, the Central African Republic)

• Southeast Asia (Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar)

Areas between 10˚N and 10˚S experiencing equatorial climate with high temperatures and rainfall all year round.


Places located near to the equator experience the equatorial climate with high temperatures and rainfall throughout the year.

Interactive map with sound of the forests worldwide


Structure of a rainforest

Uses of rainforest

Read here on the rich ecosystem of our built timah nature reserve


Watch the video below on the conservation of Built Timah Nature Reserve