Tropical rainforest

1, What are tropical rainforests and what is deforestation?

    • Characteristics of tropical rainforest as broad-leafed, mainly evergreen trees

      • Structure

      • Adaptation

      • Diversity of plant species

    • Deforestation is the cutting down and removal of all or most of the trees in a forested area.

    • Uses of tropical rainforests

      • Water catchment

      • Green Lungs of the Earth

      • Habitat to flora and fauna, and indigenous people

      • Source of timber

      • Medical application

2. Where are tropical rainforests found and which areas have been deforested? Why does deforestation occur?

    • Global distribution of tropical rainforest is influenced by climate

    • Distribution of tropical rainforest in Singapore

    • Global distribution of deforested areas of tropical rainforest

    • Causes of deforestation

      • Agriculture

      • Cattle ranching

      • Logging

      • Mining

3. How does deforestation impact people and the environment?

    • Impact of deforestation on people and the environment

      • Environment

        • Loss of biodiversity

        • Loss of water catchment

        • Increase risk of flooding with soil erosion and sedimentation

        • Enhanced greenhouse effect

      • Economic

        • Depletion of natural resources

      • Social

        • Effect on indigenous people

4. How should we manage deforestation?

    • Conservation of tropical rainforest in Singapore and other countries

      • Protection of forested areas

      • Reforestation

      • Controlled logging

      • Public education