Google Apps / Internet Kiosks

Post date: Jun 1, 2016 1:28:44 PM

Google Apps / Internet Kiosks

So what happens to older equipment when we upgrade? We re-purpose the older computers and install open source software to make them useful again!

When the old computers were upgraded in the Jr/Sr High School Media Center they were given a new purpose. The hard drives were erased and free Internet kiosk software was installed. The result?... a computer that boots up quickly into a Chrome web browser. Since the computer has only one task - Internet browsing - its performance is much faster than when it was a Windows computer. The kiosk software imitates the function of a Chromebook.

These kiosks allow students to perform quick web searches and access their school Google Apps accounts to do homework even if the Media Center computer lab is full. These additional seats are rarely empty and students have enjoyed having the additional work space.