Sophos App and Certificate Installation

If you are getting the following or similar error while attempting to access websites on the district's WiFi you will need to install an app and download a certificate in order to have more access to websites.

Please note: This app and certificate installation below is only necessary if you wish to browse all the websites associated with your Millbury Public Schools account on the district's WiFi network. You do not need to install either if you do not wish to browse all websites. Use of your phone's data plan will bypass the district's WiFi network.

To have full WiFi access on your personal phone, install the following app and certificate in order for the content filter/firewall to process your website requests.

(1) Install the Sophos Network Agent app:

(2) Open the app. Enter your regular computer login username and password. You will noticed that you will be prompted to install a certificate.

(3) Download the certificate below:

(4) Once downloaded, click on the certificate to install it.

(5) You should be able to log into the app at this time.

(6) You will now have access to all the websites that you would normally have if you were logged into a school computer.

NOTE: There may be some issues with this app when you lose WiFi connectivity. Restarting the app and making sure you are logged in will usually solve the issue.