Wilcox College of Nursing

Endowment Fund

Bardenheier Shared Classroom

Bardenheier Shared Classroom-fireplace

Funds are available to all nurses employed by the Middlesex Health System for the purpose of nursing education.

All funds are direct deposited. If you haven't done so, please make sure that you complete this form in order for Accounts Payment Dept to distribute these funds to your account.

Any questions, please contact Dawn Hussey: 860-358-6480 or email: dawn.hussey@midhosp.org

Classification of Funds

Funds are available for these three categories:

  1. Formal Education: This includes pursuit of higher nursing education including undergraduate and graduate degree programs from an accredited university or college. You must apply for tuition reimbursement first. A minimum passing grade of a C is required for funds.

  2. Continuing Education: This includes seminars, workshops and conferences. You must ask your manager for funds first. After the conference, you must share the information with your department within 3 months to be eligible for funds.

  3. Professional Certification/Recertification: This includes costs associated with preparation (exam review courses and/or books), test registration fee, and renewal exam/application fees that are not reimbursed by the department.

Overall Criteria

  • All applications must be submitted within three months of the completion of the educational program.

  • Applications denied because of non-availability of funds, will be rolled over to the next month. At the end of three months, the application will be returned to the applicant.

  • Funds are not available for research projects or supplies associated with various programs.

  • Maximum fund allocation: $300 per nurse per year.

  • Money is dispersed at the discretion of the Professional Development Committee. Requests must meet the criteria. In the event that more funds are requested than is available the committee will disperse funds that best utilizes resources.


  1. Submit the completed application to the Center of Professional Development.

  2. Attach the required documentation.

  3. The Professional Development Committee will review all applications on a monthly basis. If the application meets criteria, it will be approved by the committee. If the committee has concerns regarding the application, it will be brought to the Professional Practice Council for consideration.

  4. The Professional Development Committee will provide monthly minutes and a biannual synopsis to the council. The synopsis will include: total number of applications, number of applications approved, number of applications denied and the amount of money approved.

  5. After the applications have been reviewed, a letter will be sent to the applicant informing its approval, denial or requesting clarification.

  6. After all supporting documentation is obtained the Center for Professional Development will submit the application to the Philanthropy Department for distribution of funds.

Middlesex Hospital

Hendley Hall

Nursing Education