Contact Hour Programs

CONTACT HOUR REQUIREMENTS: Contact Hour Requirements

ENDURING CONTACT HOUR PROGRAMS: Enduring Contact Hour (CH) Programs

"Obtaining continuing nursing education has long been an expectation for the ongoing professional development of the registered nurse. Given the focus on quality outcomes and the need for safe patient care in the contemporary healthcare environment, registered nurses need opportunities for professional development that enhance their ability to provide safe, high-quality care."

Please contact Lynn Jansky at x6689 for application forms.

Submit your forms at least 1 month prior to your education session to allow for review.


1. Does this program meet the requirements for contact hours?

Contact hour programs must contain continuing nursing education learning activities to improve

the knowledge, skills and attitudes of nurses.

2. What type of program does not meet the requirements for contact hours?

In-services, orientation, policy changes or updates, review of basic nursing knowledge, or other activities which do not transfer new knowledge

3. What forms are needed?

You must complete the following forms (please contact Lynn Jansky at x 6689):

1) Activity Planning Form

2) Activity Planning Table

3) Conflict of Interest (COI) Form (only if there is a COI)

4) Disclosures Form

4. Can any staff RN plan/organize a contact hour program?

Yes, any RN can work in conjunction with the Center for Professional Development to create a Contact Hour program.

5. How far in advance do I need to submit my forms? How do I submit my completed forms?

All forms must be completed and submitted at least one month prior to the course date. Completed forms should be submitted to Lynn Jansky via email:

6. How do I create a flyer?

The Center for Professional Development will work with you to create a flyer. Do not post a flyer until your program has been reviewed. Do not advertise contact hours until they have been approved.

7. How can people register for my program?

All programs should be posted on Seminar Maker. Please contact the Center for Professional Development prior to posting courses on SeminarMaker.

8. How do I reserve and set-up a conference room?

To use North1, Bengtson, Conference Room A or B: contact administration to reserve the room and Environmental Services for room set up.

To use the Bardenheier training rooms: contact Environmental Services does not set up those rooms. You are responsible for your set up.

9. What do I need to do the day of the program?.

Stop by the Center for Professional Development and pick up your attendance sheets, evaluations, and certificates.

10. What do I need to do after the program is over?

Collect all the evaluation sheets, attendance sheets and any unused certificates and return them to the Center for Professional Development. They must be returned with one week.

11. If I still have questions, who should I call?

Call Dawn Hussey, x6480 for more information.

12. I belong to an organization and we want to give contact hours for an upcoming program.

Can we do that?

Contact hours can only be awarded for your program if you are active in planning the program and contact the Center for Professional Development prior to program development.