2010-2011 EBP Projects


Population: Hospitalized elderly patient with acute confusion

Intervention: Assessment tool for screening of delirium

Compared to: Middlesex nursing neurological assessment

Outcome: Improve nursing assessment of acute confusion


Population: Hospitalized older adult patients who do not warrant a physical therapy consult

Intervention: Most appropriate functional mobility assessment tool

Compared to: Current Middlesex Hospital practice

Outcome: To improve staff confidence in assessing a patient’s gait & balance

Urinary Incontinence:

Population: Hospitalized women with urinary incontinence

Intervention: Nursing care strategies

Compared to: Current Middlesex Hospital practice

Outcome: Decrease the episodes of UI per number of incontinent patients, as measured by chart audits on N6, S6, and N4


Population: The hospitalized patient, in a community based hospital, with moderate to severe dementia

Intervention: Use of a validated pain scale designed for dementia

Compared to: The standard pain scale in use at Middlesex Hospital

Outcomes: Provide better assessment and pain management outcomes
