* See below for the English texts.

海や川,湖の底にある岩や砂.実はそのすきまには,肉眼で見えるか見えないかぐらいの,とても小さな動物が暮らしています. わたしはそんな,底で暮らす小さな生き物,通称メイオベントス(メイオファウナ,小型底生動物ともいう)に魅せられ,メイオベントスの多様性,生態,形態,進化に関する研究を行っています.



There are various small organisms inhabiting surfaces and/or interstices of bottom sediment in aquatic environments, like as ocean, river and lake. Such small benthic animals are so called "meiobenthos". I have been fascinated in these animals, and studied them in aspects of their biodiversity, ecology, morphology and evolution.

In this website, meiobenthic animals and related my research are (and will be) introduced.


山崎 博史

理学博士, 助教

九州大学 基幹教育院


メイオベントス, メイオファウナ, 小型底生動物,動吻動物, 鰓曳動物, 胴甲動物, 有棘動物,

トゲカワムシ,エラヒキムシ,コウラムシ,分類学,系統学,系統地理学,生態学,形態学,進化学 など

E-mail: h.yamasaki [at] meiobenthos.com


Hiroshi Yamasaki

PhD, Assistant professor

Faculty of Arts and Science, Kyushu University, Japan

Research keywords

meiobenthos, meiofauna, Kinorhyncha, Priapulida, Loricifera, Scalidophora,

taxonomy, phylogeny, phylogeography, ecology, morphology, evolution...etc.

E-mail: h.yamasaki [at] meiobenthos.com

※ please change from "[at]" to "@".

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