Papers and Presentations
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Papers from Dobbs' Research Group
H. Wang, et al., "Demonstration of hybrid foreground removal on CHIME data", (2024) eprint arXiv:2408.08949
K. Sand, et el. "Morphology of 137 Fast Radio Bursts down to Microseconds Timescales from The First CHIME/FRB Baseband Catalog", Astrophysical Journal 979 (2025) 160 [arXiv:2408.13215].
Z. Kader, M. Dobbs, C. Leung, K. W. Masui, and M. W. Sammons, "Simulating FRB Morphologies and Coherent Phase Correlation Signatures from Multi-Plane Astrophysical Lensing", Physical Review D 110, 2024 (12), 123027
M. Rouble, G. Smecher, and 7 colleagues, "A first demonstration of active feedback control and multi-frequency imaging techniques for kinetic inductance detectors", SPIE 13102 (2024) 131020Q [arXiv:2406.17175].
J. Montgomery, W. Avelino, and 5 colleagues, "The CRS: a scalable full-stack control system for Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors", SPIE 13102 (2024) 131020R [arXiv:2406.16266].
T. Ghigna, A. Adler, and 157 colleagues, "The LiteBIRD mission to explore cosmic inflation", SPIE 13092, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; (2024) 1309228 [arXiv:2406.02724].
G. Conenna, A. Tartari, and 18 colleagues, "The SQUID Controller Unit for the LiteBIRD Space Mission: Description, Functional Tests and Early Performance Assessment", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 216 (2024) 208–216.
B. Ansarinejad, S. Raghunathan, and 143 colleagues, "Mass calibration of DES Year-3 clusters via SPT-3G CMB cluster lensing", Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07 (2024) 024 [arXiv:2404.02153].
K. Prabhu, S. Raghunathan, and 99 colleagues, "Testing the $\mathbf{\Lambda}$CDM Cosmological Model with Forthcoming Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background with SPT-3G", Astrophysical Journal 973 (2024) 4 [arXiv:2403.17925].
S. Raghunathan, P. A. R. Ade, and 120 colleagues, "First Constraints on the Epoch of Reionization Using the non-Gaussianity of the Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel{'}dovich Effect from the South Pole Telescope and {\it Herschel}-SPIRE Observations", Phys. Rev. Lett. 133 (2024) 121004 [arXiv:2403.02337].
C. Tandoi, S. Guns, and 97 colleagues, "Flaring Stars in a Non-targeted mm-wave Survey with SPT-3G", Astrophysical Journal 972 (2024) 6 [arXiv:2401.13525].
S. Bocquet, S. Grandis, and 194 colleagues, "SPT Clusters with DES and HST Weak Lensing. II. Cosmological Constraints from the Abundance of Massive Halos", Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 083510 [arXiv:2401.02075].
M. Klein, J. J. Mohr, and 105 colleagues, "SPT-SZ MCMF: An extension of the SPT-SZ catalog over the DES region", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531 (2024) Issue 4, pp.3973-3990 [arXiv:2309.09908].
M. Amiri, K. Bandura, and 29 colleagues, "A Detection of Cosmological 21 cm Emission from CHIME in Cross-correlation with eBOSS Measurements of the Lyα Forest", The Astrophysical Journal 963 (2024) 23 [arXiv:2309.04404].
A. E. Lanman, S. Andrew, and 44 colleagues, "CHIME/FRB Outriggers: KKO Station System and Commissioning Results", Astrophysical Journal 168 (2024) 87 [arXiv:2402.07898].
J. T. Faber, D. Michilli, and 24 colleagues, "Morphologies of Bright Complex Fast Radio Bursts with CHIME/FRB Voltage Data", Astrophysical Journal 974 (2024) 274 [arXiv:2312.14133].
L. E. Bleem, M. Klein, and 128 colleagues, "Galaxy Clusters Discovered via the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the 500-square-degree SPTpol Survey", The Open Journal of Astrophysics 7 (2024) 13 [arXiv:2311.07512].
The CHIME/FRB Collaboration, :, and 59 colleagues, "Updating the first CHIME/FRB catalog of fast radio bursts with baseband data", Astrophysical Journal 969 (2024) 145 [arXiv:2311.00111].
Z. Pan, F. Bianchini, and 134 colleagues, "Measurement of gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background using SPT-3G 2018 data", Physical Review D 108 (2023) 122005 [arXiv:2308.11608].
M. Rafiei-Ravandi, K. M. Smith, and 18 colleagues, "Statistical Association between the Candidate Repeating FRB 20200320A and a Galaxy Group", The Astrophysical Journal 961 (2024) 177 [arXiv:2308.09608].
T. Cassanelli, C. Leung, and 49 colleagues, "A fast radio burst localized at detection to a galactic disk using very long baseline interferometry", Nature Astron (2024) [] [arXiv:2307.09502].
H.-H. Lin, P. Scholz, and 41 colleagues, "Constraints on the Intergalactic and Local Dispersion Measure of Fast Radio Bursts with the CHIME/FRB far side-lobe events", (in review) [arXiv:2307.05262].
H.-H. Lin, P. Scholz, and 41 colleagues, "Do All Fast Radio Bursts Repeat? Constraints from CHIME/FRB Far Side-Lobe FRBs", Astrophysical Journal 975 (2024) 75 [arXiv:2307.05261].
T. Cecil, C. Albert, and 19 colleagues, "Fabrication Development for SPT-SLIM, a Superconducting Spectrometer for Line Intensity Mapping", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 33 (2023) 3259919 [arXiv:2304.00973].
J. C. Hood, A. Simpson, and 67 colleagues, "Simultaneous Millimeter-wave, Gamma-Ray, and Optical Monitoring of the Blazar PKS 2326-502 during a Flaring State", The Astrophysical Journal 945 (2023) L23 [arXiv:2302.14749].
Chime/Frb Collaboration, B. C. Andersen, and 57 colleagues, "CHIME/FRB Discovery of 25 Repeating Fast Radio Burst Sources", The Astrophysical Journal 947 (2023) 83 [arXiv:2301.08762].
D. Michilli, M. Bhardwaj, and 28 colleagues, "Subarcminute Localization of 13 Repeating Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB", The Astrophysical Journal 950 (2023) 134 [arXiv:2212.11941].
L. Balkenhol, D. Dutcher, and 86 colleagues, "Measurement of the CMB temperature power spectrum and constraints on cosmology from the SPT-3G 2018 T T , T E , and E E dataset", Physical Review D 108 (2023) 023510 [arXiv:2212.05642].
J. Sánchez, Y. Omori, and 127 colleagues, "Mapping gas around massive galaxies: cross-correlation of DES Y3 galaxies and Compton-y maps from SPT and Planck", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522 (2023) 3163-3182 [arXiv:2210.08633].
T. Hasebe, P. A. R. Ade, and 280 colleagues, "Sensitivity Modeling for LiteBIRD", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 211 (2023) 384-397 .
K. Shin, K. W. Masui, and 19 colleagues, "Inferring the Energy and Distance Distributions of Fast Radio Bursts Using the First CHIME/FRB Catalog", The Astrophysical Journal 944 (2023) 105 [arXiv:2207.14316].
E. Schiappucci, F. Bianchini, and 142 colleagues, "Measurement of the mean central optical depth of galaxy clusters via the pairwise kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect with SPT-3G and DES", Physical Review D 107 (2023) 042004 [arXiv:2207.11937].
G. Smecher, T. de Haan, M. Dobbs, and J. Montgomery, "Digital active nulling for frequency-multiplexed bolometer readout: performance and latency", Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XI 12190 (2022) 1219028 [arXiv:2207.11377].
G. Smecher, P. Cameron, J.-F. Cliche, M. Dobbs, and J. Montgomery, "Development of TRL5 space qualified hardware for tuning, biasing, and readout of kilopixel TES bolometer arrays", Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XI 12190 (2022) 121900X [arXiv:2207.11374].
M. Merryfield, S. P. Tendulkar, and 20 colleagues, "An Injection System for the CHIME/FRB Experiment", The Astronomical Journal 165 (2023) 152 [arXiv:2206.14079].
T. M. C. Abbott, M. Aguena, and 171 colleagues, "Joint analysis of Dark Energy Survey Year 3 data and CMB lensing from SPT and Planck. III. Combined cosmological constraints", Physical Review D 107 (2023) 023531 [arXiv:2206.10824].
Y. Omori, E. J. Baxter, and 163 colleagues, "Joint analysis of Dark Energy Survey Year 3 data and CMB lensing from SPT and Planck. I. Construction of CMB lensing maps and modeling choices", Physical Review D 107 (2023) 023529 [arXiv:2203.12439].
C. Chang, Y. Omori, and 166 colleagues, "Joint analysis of Dark Energy Survey Year 3 data and CMB lensing from SPT and P l a n c k . II. Cross-correlation measurements and cosmological constraints", Physical Review D 107 (2023) 023530 [arXiv:2203.12440].
LiteBIRD Collaboration, E. Allys, and 190 colleagues, "Probing cosmic inflation with the LiteBIRD cosmic microwave background polarization survey", Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2023 (2023) 042F01 [arXiv:2202.02773].
Chime/Frb Collaboration, M. Amiri, and 73 colleagues, "Erratum: "The First CHIME/FRB Fast Radio Burst Catalog" (2021, ApJS, 257, 59)", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 264 (2023) 53 .
B. C. Andersen et al. (The CHIME/FRB Collaboration), ``Sub-second periodicity in a fast radio burst'', Nature 607 (2022) 256–259 [arXiv:2107.08463].
J. Hubmayr, P. A. R. Ade, and 318 colleagues, "Optical Characterization of OMT-Coupled TES Bolometers for LiteBIRD", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 209 (2022) 396-408.
Chime/Frb, M. Amiri, and 73 colleagues, "VizieR Online Data Catalog: First CHIME/FRB Fast Radio Burst Catalog (CHIME/FRB Col.+, 2021)", VizieR Online Data Catalog 225 (2022) J/ApJS/257/59.
W. B. Everett, L. Zhang, and 46 colleagues, "VizieR Online Data Catalog: The SPT-SZ catalog at 95, 150, and 220GHz (Everett+, 2020)", VizieR Online Data Catalog 190 (2021) J/ApJ/900/55 .
M. Amiri, K. M. Bandura, and 42 colleagues, "VizieR Online Data Catalog: CHIME/Pulsar 400-800MHz obs. of ATNF pulsars (Amiri+, 2021)", VizieR Online Data Catalog 225 (2021) J/ApJS/255/5 .
P. Barmby, B. Gaensler, and 6 colleagues, "La découverte à la frontière cosmique: Plan à long terme de l'astronomie canadienne 2020-2030", Canadian Long Range Plan for Astronony and Astrophysics White Papers 2020 (2021) 69 .
P. Barmby, B. Gaensler, and 6 colleagues, "Discovery at the Cosmic Frontier: Canadian Astronomy Long Range Plan 2020-2030", Canadian Long Range Plan for Astronony and Astrophysics White Papers 2020 (2021) 68 .
Y. Segawa, H. Hirose, and 81 colleagues, "Method for rapid performance validation of large TES bolometer array for POLARBEAR-2A using a coherent millimeter-wave source", American Institute of Physics Conference Series 2319 (2021) 040019 .
S. Bocquet, J. P. Dietrich, and 78 colleagues, "VizieR Online Data Catalog: SPT-SZ clusters with optical & X-ray data (Bocquet+, 2019)", VizieR Online Data Catalog 187 (2020) J/ApJ/878/55 .
L. E. Bleem, S. Bocquet, and 136 colleagues, "VizieR Online Data Catalog: The SPTpol Extended Cluster Survey (Bleem+, 2020)", VizieR Online Data Catalog 224 (2020) J/ApJS/247/25 .
D. Kaneko, S. Adachi, and 78 colleagues, "Deployment of uc(Polarbear)-2A", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199 (2020) 1137-1147 .
T. Elleflot, K. Arnold, and 25 colleagues, "Effect of Stray Impedance in Frequency-Division Multiplexed Readout of TES Sensors in POLARBEAR-2b", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199 (2020) 840-848 .
Y. Chinone, S. Adachi, and 91 colleagues, "Results of gravitational lensing and primordial gravitational waves from the POLARBEAR experiment", Journal of Physics Conference Series 1468 (2020) 012007 .
M. Rouble, M. Dobbs, and 4 colleagues, "Transformer-Coupled TES Frequency Domain Readout Prototype", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199 (2020) 780-788 .
J. Montgomery, P. A. R. Ade, and 119 colleagues, "Performance and characterization of the SPT-3G digital frequency-domain multiplexed readout system using an improved noise and crosstalk model", Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 8 (2022) 014001 [arXiv:2103.16017].
M. Bhardwaj et al. (The CHIME/FRB Collaboration), "A nearby repeating fast radio burst in the direction of M81", [arXiv:2103.01295 astro-ph.HE].
L. Montier, B. Mot, and 235 colleagues, "Overview of the medium and high frequency telescopes of the LiteBIRD space mission", Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave 11443 (2020) 114432G [arXiv:2102.00809].
LiteBIRD Collaboration (M. Hazumi et al.), "LiteBIRD: JAXA's new strategic L-class mission for all-sky surveys of cosmic microwave background polarization", Proc.SPIE Int.Soc.Opt.Eng. 11443 (2020) 114432F [arXiv:2101.12449 astro-ph.IM].
Y. Sekimoto, P. A. R. Ade, and 235 colleagues, "Concept Design of Low Frequency Telescope for CMB B-mode Polarization satellite LiteBIRD", arXiv e-prints (2021) arXiv:2101.06342 [arXiv:2101.06342].
J. Groh et al. "Anomalous Frequency Noise from the Megahertz Channelizing Resonators in Frequency-Division Multiplexed Transition Edge Sensor Readout", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, (2021), DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2021.3065283, [arXiv:2012.07077 astro-ph.IM].
D.C. Good et al. (CHIME/FRB Collaboration), "First discovery of new pulsars and RRATs with CHIME/FRB", [arXiv:2012.02320 astro-ph.HE].
The SPTpol and BICEP and Keck Collaborations, "A demonstration of improved constraints on primordial gravitational waves with delensing", Phys.Rev.D 103 (2021) 2, 022004 [arXiv:2011.08163 astro-ph.CO].
D. Michilli, et al. (CHIME/FRB Collaboration), "An analysis pipeline for CHIME/FRB full-array baseband data", [arXiv:2010.06748 astro-ph.HE].
M. Rouble, M. Dobbs, A. Gilbert “WinterLab: Developing a low-cost, portable experiment platform to encourage engagement in the electronics lab” International Journal of Designs for Learning 14,1, (2023) 11-22 [arXiv:2010.01426].
CHIME/Pulsar Collaboration, M. Amiri, and 43 colleagues, "The CHIME Pulsar Project: System Overview", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 255 (2021) 5 [arXiv:2008.05681].
F. Bianchini et al. (The SPTpol Collaboration) "Searching for Anisotropic Cosmic Birefringence with Polarization Data from SPTpol", Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 8, 083504 [arXiv:2006.08061 astro-ph.CO].
The CHIME/FRB Collaboration, "A bright millisecond-duration radio burst from a Galactic magnetar", Nature 587 (2020) 7832, 54-58 [arXiv:2005.10324 astro-ph.HE].
The Polarbear Collaboration, "A Measurement of the CMB E-mode Angular Power Spectrum at Subdegree Scales from 670 Square Degrees of POLARBEAR Data", Astrophys.J. 904 (2020) 1, 65 [arXiv:2005.06168 astro-ph.CO].
P. Chawla, B.C. Andersen, M. Bhardwaj, E. Fonseca, A. Josephy et al. (The CHIME/FRB Collaboration), "Detection of Repeating FRB 180916.J0158+65 Down to Frequencies of 300 MHz", Astrophys.J.Lett. 896 (2020) 2, L41 [arXiv:2004.02862 astro-ph.HE].
W.B. Everett et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Millimeter-wave Point Sources from the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ Survey: Catalog and Population Statistics", Astrophys.J. 900 (2020) 1, 55 [arXiv:2003.03431 astro-ph.IM].
C.L. Reichardt et al. (The SPT Collaboration) "An Improved Measurement of the Secondary Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies from the SPT-SZ + SPTpol Surveys", Astrophys.J. 908 (2021) 2, 199 [arXiv:2002.06197 astro-ph.CO].
CHIME/FRB Collaboration, "Periodic activity from a fast radio burst source", Nature 582 (2020) 351-355 [arXiv:2001.10275 astro-ph.HE].
E. Fonseca et al., "Nine New Repeating Fast Radio Burst Sources from CHIME/FRB", Astrophys.J.Lett. 891 (2020) 1, L6 [arXiv:2001.03595 astro-ph.HE].
B. Marcote et al. "A repeating fast radio burst source localised to a nearby spiral galaxy", Nature 577 (2020) 190-194 [arXiv:2001.02222].
M. Rouble, M. Dobbs, A. Gilbert, J. Montgomery, G. Noble, and C. Vergès, "Transformer-Coupled TES Frequency Domain Readout Prototype", J. Low Temperature Physics, (2020). .
The CHORD Collaboration, "LRP 2020 Whitepaper: The Canadian Hydrogen Observatory and Radio-transient Detector (CHORD)", Canadian Long Range Plan LRP2020 Whitepaper
H. Sugai, P. A. R. Ade, and 219 colleagues, "Updated Design of the CMB Polarization Experiment Satellite LiteBIRD", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199 (2020) 1107-1117 [arXiv:2001.01724].
J.T. Sayre et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration) "Measurements of B-mode Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background from 500 Square Degrees of SPTpol Data", Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020) 122003 [arXiv:1910.05748 [astro-ph.CO]
SPT and DES Collaborations (L.E. Bleem et al.), "The SPTpol Extended Cluster Survey", ApJ Supplements 247 (2019) 25 [arXiv:1910.04121 astro-ph.CO]
POLARBEAR Collaboration (S. Adachi et al.), "A Measurement of the Degree Scale CMB 𝐵-mode Angular Power Spectrum with POLARBEAR", Astrophysical Journal 897 (2020) 55, arXiv:1910.02608 [astro-ph.CO].
T. de Haan et al., "Recent Advances in Frequency‐Multiplexed TES Readout: Vastly Reduced Parasitics and an Increase in Multiplexing Factor with Sub‐Kelvin SQUIDs", J. Low Temperature Physics, (2020).
CHIME/FRB Collaboration (B.C. Andersen et al.), "CHIME/FRB Discovery of Eight New Repeating Fast Radio Burst Sources", Astrophysical J. Lett 885 (2019) L24 [arXiv:1908.03507 astro-ph.HE].
A. J. Anderson, P. A. R. Ade, and 87 colleagues, "Performance of Al-Mn Transition-Edge Sensor Bolometers in SPT-3G", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199 (2020) 320-329 [arXiv:1907.11976].
A. N. Bender, A. J. Anderson, and 87 colleagues, "On-Sky Performance of the SPT-3G Frequency-Domain Multiplexed Readout", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199 (2020) 182-191 [arXiv:1907.10947].
A. E. Lowitz, A. N. Bender, and 15 colleagues, "Performance of a Low-Parasitic Frequency-Domain Multiplexing Readout", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199 (2020) 192-199 [arXiv:1907.09035].
A. Josephy et al., (The CHIME FRB Collaboration) "CHIME/FRB Detection of the Original Repeating Fast Radio Burst Source FRB 121102", Astrophysical J. Lett 882 (2019) L18 [arXiv:1906.11305 astro-ph.HE].
E.N. Cytrynbaum, V. MacKay, O. Nahman-Lévesque, M. Dobbs, G. Bub, A. Shrier and L. Glass, "Double-wave reentry in excitable media", Chaos 29 (2019) 073103.
K. Wu, M. Mocanu, et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration) "A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing Potential and Power Spectrum from 500 deg2 of SPTpol Temperature and Polarization Data", Astrophysical Journal 884 (2019) 70.
L.M. Mocanu, T.M.Crawford, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "Consistency of cosmic microwave background temperature measurements in three frequency bands in the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ survey" J. Cosmology and Astroparticle Phys. 1907 (2019) 038.
The CHIME FRB Collaboration, "A Second Source of Repeating Fast Radio Bursts", Nature 566 (2019) 235–238 [arXiv:1901.04525 astro-ph.HE].
The CHIME FRB Collaboration, "Observations of fast radio bursts at frequencies down to 400 megahertz", Nature 566, (2019) 230–234 [arXiv:1901.04524 astro-ph.HE].
M. Hazumi et al., (The LiteBIRD Collaboration) "LiteBIRD: A Satellite for the Studies of B-Mode Polarization and Inflation from Cosmic Background Radiation Detection", J. Low Temperatures Physics 194 (2019) no. 5-6, (2019) 443-452.
S. Bocquet, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "Cluster Cosmology Constraints from the 2500 deg2 SPT-SZ Survey: Inclusion of Weak Gravitational Lensing Data from Magellan and the Hubble Space Telescope", Astrophysical Journal 878 (2019) 55. [arXiv:1812.01679 astro-ph.CO]
M.P. Viero, C.L. Reichardt, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "Measuring Cross-Spectra of the Cosmic Infrared Background from 95 to 1200 GHz", Astrophysical Journal 881 (2019) 96.
A.E. Lowitz, A.N. Bender, A.N., M. Dobbs, A. Gilbert, "Digital frequency multiplexing with sub-Kelvin SQUIDs", Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 10708, 107081D (2018).
The CHIME FRB Collaboration, "The CHIME Fast Radio Burst Project: System Overview", Astrophysical Journal 863 (2018) 48, arXiv:1803.11235 [astro-ph.IM].
R. Chown, Y. Omori, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "Maps of the Southern Millimeter-wave Sky from Combined 2500 deg$^2$ SPT-SZ and Planck Temperature Data", Astrophysical Journal 239 (2018) 10 [arXiv:1803.10682 astro-ph.CO].
M. Silva-Feaver et al., "Comparison of NIST SA13a and SA4b SQUID Array Amplifiers", J. Low Temperatures Physics (2018) - Special edition - LTD17 Proceedings [].
J. Mena-Parra, K. Bandura, M.A. Dobbs, J.R. Shaw, S. Siegel, "Quantization bias for digital correlators", Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation (2018) Vol. 07, No. 02n03, 1850008, arXiv:1803.04296 [astro-ph.IM].
EBEX Collaboration, "The EBEX Balloon-Borne Experiment - Detectors and Readout," Astrophysical Journal Supplement 239 (2018) 8, [arXiv:1803.01018 astro-ph.IM].
The SPT Collaboration (J.S. Avva et al.), "Design and Assembly of SPT-3G Cold Readout Hardware", J.Low.Temp.Phys. 193 (2018) no.3-4, 547-555.
A.J. Anderson et al., (The SPT3g Collaboration) "SPT-3G: A Multichroic Receiver for the South Pole Telescope", J.Low.Temp.Phys. 193 (2018) no.5-6, 1057-1065.
A. Suzuki et al., "The LiteBIRD Satellite Mission - Sub-Kelvin Instrument", J. Low Temperatures Physics (2018) - Special edition - LTD17 Proceedings [arXiv:1801.06987 astro-ph.IM].
G. Simard, Y. Omori, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "Constraints on Cosmological Parameters from the Angular Power Spectrum of a Combined 2500 square degree SPT-SZ and Planck Gravitational Lensing Map," Astrophysical Journal 860 (2018) 137, arXiv:1712.07541 [astro-ph.CO].
E.J. Baxter, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "A Measurement of CMB Cluster Lensing with SPT and DES Year 1 Data" Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476 (2018) 2674 arXiv:1708.01360 [astro-ph.CO].
J.W. Henning, J.T. Sayre, C.L. Reichardt, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "Measurements of the Temperature and E-Mode Polarization of the CMB from 500 Square Degrees of SPTpol Data", Astrophysical Journal 852 (2018) 91, arXiv:1707.09353 [astro-ph.CO].
K. Aylor, Z. Hou, L. Knox, K.T. Story, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "A Comparison of Cosmological Parameters Determined from CMB Temperature Power Spectra from the South Pole Telescope and the Planck Satellite", Astrophysical Journal 850 (2017) 101, arXiv:1706.10286 [astro-ph.CO].
M.J. Yu, P. Langfield, L. Campanari, M. Dobbs, A. Shrier, and L. Glass, "Demonstration of cardiac rotor and source mapping techniques in embryonic chick monolayers", Chaos 27 (2017) 093938.
The POLARBEAR Collaboration, "A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background B-Mode Polarization Power Spectrum at Sub-Degree Scales from 2 Years of POLARBEAR Data," Astrophysical Journal 848 (2017) 121, arXiv:1705.02907 [astro-ph.CO].
Y. Omori, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "A 2500 deg2 CMB Lensing Map from Combined South Pole Telescope and Planck Data," Astrophysical Journal 849 (2017) 124, arXiv:1705.00743 [astro-ph.CO].
Z. Hou, et al., , (The SPT Collaboration) "A Comparison of Maps and Power Spectra Determined from South Pole Telescope and Planck Data," Astrophysical Journal 850 (2017) 101, arXiv:1704.00884 [astro-ph.CO].
EBEX Collaboration, "The EBEX Balloon Borne Experiment - Optics, Receiver, and Polarimetry," Astrophysical Journal Supplement 239 (2018) 7, arxiv:1703.03847 [astro-ph.IM].
The CHIME Scientific Collaboration, "Limits on the Ultra-Bright Fast Radio Burst Population from the CHIME Pathfinder," Astrophysical Journal 844 (2017) 161, arXiv:1702:08040 [astro-ph.HE].
EBEX Collaboration, "The EBEX Balloon-Borne Experiment - Gondola, Altitude Control, and Control Software," Astrophysical Journal Supplement 239 (2018) 9, arXiv:1702.07020 [astro-ph.IM].
C. Ng, et al., "CHIME FRB: An Application of FFT Beamforming for a Radio Telescope," URSI GASS (2017), arXiv:1702.04728 [astro-ph.IM].
J. Ding, et al., "Optimization of the Transistion Edge Sensor Arrays for the Cosmic Microwave Background Observations with the South Pole Telescope," IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27, no. 4 (2017), ISSN:1558-2515 [DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2016.2639378].
A. Manzotti, K.T. Story, W.L.K. Wu, et al., (The SPT and Herschel Collaborations) "CMB Polarization B-mode Delensing with SPTpol and Herschel,'' Astrophysical Journal 846 (2017) 45, arXiv:1701.04396 [astro-ph.CO].
M.B. Bayliss, J. Ruel, C. Stubbs, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) ``SPT-GMOS: A Gemini/GMOS-South Spectroscopic Survey of Galaxy Clusters in the SPT-SZ Survey", Astrophys. J. Suppl. 227 (2016) no. 1, 3 [arXiv:1701.04396 astro-ph.CO]
N. Stebor et al., (The Simons Array Collaboration), "The Simons Array CMB polarization experiment", Proc.SPIE Int.Soc.Opt.Eng. 9914 (2016) 99141H [DOI: 10.1117/12.2233103].
A.N. Bender et al., (The SPT3g Collaboration), "Integrated performance of a frequency domain multiplexing readout in the SPT-3G receiver", Proc.SPIE Int.Soc.Opt.Eng. 9914 (2016) 99141D.
K. Bandura, A.N. Bender, J.F. Cliche, T. de Haan, M. Dobbs, A. Gilbert, S. Griffin, G. Hsyu, D. Ittah, J. Mena Parra, J. Montgomery, T. Pinsonneault-Marotte, S. Siegel, G. Smecher, Q.Y. Tang, K. Vanderlinde, N. Whitehorn, "ICE: a scalable, low-cost FPGA-based telescope signal processing and networking system", J.Astron.Inst. 05 (2017) 1641005 [arXiv:1608.06262 astro-ph.IM].
K. Bandura, J.-F. Cliche, M. Dobbs, A. Gilbert, D. Ittah, J. Mena Parra, G. Smecher, "ICE-based Custom Full-Mesh Network for the CHIME High Bandwidth Radio Astronomy Correlator", J.Astron.Inst. 05 (2017) 1641004 [arXiv:1608.04347 astro-ph.IM].
Y. Inoue et al., (The POLARBEAR Collaboration) "POLARBEAR-2: an instrument for CMB polarization measurements", Proc. SPIE, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII 9914 (2016) 99141I [doi:10.1117/12.2231961] [arXiv:1608.03025 astro-ph.IM].
L.B. Newburgh et al., (The HIRAX Collaboration) "HIRAX: A Probe of Dark Energy and Radio Transients", Proc. SPIE, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 9906 (2016) 99065X, doi:10.1117/12.2234286 [arXiv:1607.02059 astro-ph.CO, astro-ph.IM].
P. Berger, L.B. Newburgh et al., (The CHIME Collaboration) "Holographic Beam Mapping of the CHIME Pathfinder", Proc. SPIE, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 9906 (2016) 99060D [arXiv:1607.01473 astro-ph.CO, astro-ph.IM].
F. Aubin et al. "Temperature calibration of the E and B experiment", Proceedings of the 14th Marcel Grossman Conference 2016, [arXiv:1601.07923 astro-ph.IM].
T. Matsumura et al., "LiteBIRD: Mission Overview and Focal Plane Layout", J. Low Temp. Phys. 184 (2016) 824.
H. Ishino et al., "LiteBIRD: lite satellite for the study of B-mode polarization and inflation from cosmic microwave background radiation detection", Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 9904, 99040X (2016).
T.M. Crawford, R. Chown, G. Holder, et al., (The SPT and Planck Collaborations) "Maps of the Magellanic Clouds from Combined South Pole Telescope and Planck Data", Astrophys. J. Suppl. 227 (2016) [doi:10.3847/1538-4365/227/2/23] [arXiv:1605.00966 astro-ph.GA].
N. Whitehorn, T. Natoli et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "Millimeter Transient Point Sources in the SPTpol 100 Square Degree Survey", Astrophysical Journal 830 (2016) 143 [arXiv:1604.03507 astro-ph.CO, astro-ph.HE].
T. de Haan, B. A. Benson, L. E. Bleem, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clusters in the 2500 square-degree SPT-SZ Survey", Astrophysical Journal 832 (2016) 95 [arXiv:1603.06522 astro-ph.CO].
F. Aubin, et al., (The EBEX Collaboration) "Temperature calibration of the E and B experiment", Proceedings of the 14th Marcel Grossman Conference [arXiv:1601.07923 astro-ph.CO].
K. Hattori et al., (The POLARBEAR Collaboration) "Development of readout electronics for POLARBEAR-2 Cosmic Microwave Background experiment", J. Low Temperatures Physics 184 (2016) 512 (proceedings of LTD16) DOI 10.1007/s10909-015-1448-x [arXiv:1509.02461 astro-ph.CO].
A. Suzuki et al., (The POLARBEAR Collaboration) "The POLARBEAR-2 and the Simons Array Experiment", J. Low Temperatures Physics 184 (2016) 805 (proceedings of LTD16) DOI: 10.1007/s10909-015-1425-4 [arXiv:1512.07299 astro-ph.CO].
POLARBEAR Collaboration, "POLARBEAR Constraints on Cosmic Birefringence and Primordial Magnetic Fields", Phys. Rev. D 92 (2015) 123509 [arXiv:1509.02461 astro-ph.CO].
C.M. Posada et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration) "Fabrication of large dual-polarized multichroic TES bolometer arrays for CMB measurements with the SPT-3G camera", Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 (2015) 094002-094012.
N. Denman et al., (The CHIME Collaboration) "A GPU-based Correlator X-engine Implemented on the CHIME Pathfinder", IEEE ASAP 2015 [arXiv:1503.06202 astro-ph.IM].
R. Keisler, S. Hoover, N. Harrington, J. W. Henning et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration) "Measurements of Sub-degree B-mode Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background from 100 Square Degrees of SPTpol Data", Astrophysical Journal 807 (2015) 151 [arXiv:1503.02315 astro-ph.CO].
J. Errard et al., (The POLARBEAR Collaboration) "Atmospheric contamination for CMB ground-based observations", Astrophysical Journal 809 (2015) 63 [arXiv:1501.07911 astro-ph.CO].
E. J. Baxter, R. Keisler, S. Dodelson, et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "A Measurement of Gravitational Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background by Galaxy Clusters Using Data from the South Pole Telescope" Astrophysical Journal 806 (2015) 247 [arXiv:1412.7521 astro-ph.CO].
K. T. Story, D. Hanson, et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration) "A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Gravitational Lensing Potential from 100 Square Degrees of SPTpol Data", Astrophysical Journal 810 (2015) 50 [arXiv:1412.4760 astro-ph.CO].
A.T. Crites, J.W. Henning et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration) "Measurements of E-Mode Polarization and Temperature-E-Mode Correlation in the Cosmic Microwave Background from 100 Square Degrees of SPTpol Data", Astrophysical Journal 805 (2015) 36 [arXiv:1411.1042 astro-ph.CO].
L.E. Bleem, B. Stalder, T. de Haan et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "Galaxy Clusters Discovered via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ survey", Astrophysical Journal Supplement 216 (2015) 27. [arXiv:1409.0850 astro-ph.CO].
E.M. George, C.L. Reichardt et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "A measurement of secondary cosmic microwave background anisotropies from the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ survey", Astrophysical Journal 799 (2015) 177 [arXiv:1408.3161 astro-ph.CO].
J. Liu et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "Analysis of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Mass-Observable Relations using South Pole Telescope Observations of an X-ray Selected Sample of Low Mass Galaxy Clusters and Groups", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 448 (2015) 2085, [arXiv:1407.7520 astro-ph.CO].
K. MacDermid et al., "The performance of the bolometer array and readout system during the 2012/2013 flight of the E and B experiment (EBEX)", SPIE 2014 Proceedings, [arXiv:1407.6894 astro-ph.IM].
A. Bender et al., "Digital frequency domain multiplexing readout electronics for the next generation of millimeter telescopes", SPIE 2014 Proceedings, [arXiv:1407.3161 astro-ph.IM].
B. Benson et al., (The SPT3g Collaboration) "SPT-3G: A Next-Generation Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Experiment on the South Pole Telescope", SPIE 2014 Proceedings, [arXiv:1407.2973 astro-ph.IM].
S. Bocquet et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "Mass Calibration and Cosmological Analysis of the SPT-SZ Galaxy Cluster Sample Using Velocity Dispersion σv and X-ray YX Measurements", Astrophysical Journal 799 (2014) 214 [arXiv:1407.2942 astro-ph.CO].
The CHIME Collaboration (K. Bandura et al.) "Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) Pathfinder", SPIE 2014 Proceedings, [arXiv:1406.2288 astro-ph.IM].
The CHIME Collaboration (L. Newburgh et al.) "Calibrating CHIME, A New Radio Interferometer to Probe Dark Energy", SPIE 2014 Proceedings, [arXiv:1406.2267 astro-ph.IM].
A. Bender, J. Kennedy, et al., (The APEX-SZ Collaboration) "Galaxy cluster scaling relations measured with APEX-SZ", MNRAS 460 (2016) 3432-3446. [doi: 10.1093/mnras/stw1158], [arXiv:1404.7103 astro-ph.CO].
M. McDonald et al., (The SPT Collaboration) "The Redshift Evolution of the Mean Temperature, Pressure, and Entropy Profiles in 80 SPT-Selected Galaxy Clusters", Astrophysical Journal 794 (2014) 67, [arXiv:1404.6250 astro-ph.CO].
POLARBEAR Collaboration, "A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background B-Mode Polarization Power Spectrum at Sub-Degree Scales with POLARBEAR", Astrophysical Journal 794 (2014) 171 [arXiv:1403.2369 astro-ph.CO].
T. Matsumura et al., (The POLARBEAR-2 Collaboration) "The Cosmic Microwave Background B-mode Polarization Experiment POLARBEAR-2", JPS Conf. Proc. 1, 013108 (2014).
H. Nishino et al., (The POLARBEAR Collaboration) "The POLARBEAR CMB Polarization Experiment", JPS Conf. Proc. 1, 013107 (2014).
A. Suzuki et al., (The POLARBEAR-2 Collaboration) "The POLARBEAR-2 Experiment", J. Low Temperatures Physics (2014) [DOI 10.1007/s10909-014-1112-x].
The LiteBIRD Collaboration (T. Matsumura et al.), "Mission Design of LiteBIRD", J. Low Temperatures Physics 176 (2014) 733-740 [DOI 10.1007/s10909-013-0996-1].
POLARBEAR Collaboration, "Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Lensing Power Spectrum with the POLARBEAR Experiment", Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 021301 [arXiv:1312.6646 astro-ph.CO].
POLARBEAR Collaboration, "Evidence for Gravitational Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization from Cross-correlation with the Cosmic Infrared Background", Physical Review Letters 112 (2014) 131302 [arXiv:1312.6645 astro-ph.CO].
A. Saro, J. Liu, J. J. Mohr, et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "Constraints on the CMB Temperature Evolution using Multi-Band Measurements of the Sunyaev Zel'dovich Effect with the South Pole Telescope", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 440 (2014) 2610, [arXiv:1312.2462 astro-ph.CO].
B. R. Saliwanchik, T. E. Montroy, et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "Measurement of Galaxy Cluster Integrated Comptonization and Mass Scaling Relations with the South Pole Telescope", Astrophysical Journal 799 (2015) 137, [arXiv:1312.3015 astro-ph.CO].
E.M. George et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration) "A Study of Al-Mn Transition Edge Sensor Engineering for Stability", J. Low Temperatures Physics 176 (2014) 383-391 [DOI 10.1007/s10909-013-0994-3].
J. Ruel, G. Bazin, M. Bayliss, M. Brodwin, R. J. Foley, B. Stalder, et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "Optical Spectroscopy and Velocity Dispersions of Galaxy Clusters from the SPT-SZ Survey", Astrophysical Journal 792 (2014) 45 [arXiv:1311.4953 astro-ph.CO].
J. Mena, K. Bandura, J-F. Cliche, M. Dobbs, A. Gilbert, Q.Y. Tang, "A Radio-Frequency-over-Fiber link for large-array radio astronomy applications", Journal of Instrumentation 11 (2013) T10003 [arXiv:1308.5481 astro-ph.IM].
D. Hanson et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration), "Detection of B-mode Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background with Data from the South Pole Telescope", Physical Review Letters 111 (2013) 141301 [arXiv:1307.5830 astro-ph.CO].
M.B. Bayliss et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "SPT-CLJ2040-4451: An SZ-Selected Galaxy Cluster at z = 1.478 with Significant Ongoing Star Formation", submitted to Astrophysical Journal 792 (2014) 12 [arXiv:1307.2903 astro-ph.CO].
J.E. Geach, R.C. Hickox, L.E. Bleem, M. Brodwin, G.P. Holder, et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "A Direct Measurement of the Linear Bias of Mid-infrared-selected Quasars at z ≈ 1 Using Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing", Astrophysical Journal 776 (2013) L41 [arXiv:1307.1706 astro-ph.CO].
L.M. Mocanu et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "Extragalactic millimeter-wave point source catalog, number counts and statistics from 771 square degrees of the SPT-SZ Survey", Astrophysical Journal 779 (2013) 61 [arXiv:1306.3470 astro-ph.CO].
K. Hattori et al., (The POLARBEAR-2 Collaboration) "Adaptation of frequency-domain readout for Transition Edge Sensor bolometers for the POLARBEAR-2 Cosmic Microwave Background experiment", Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 732 (2013) 299-302 [arXiv:1306.1869 astro-ph.IM] DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2013.07.052.
M. McDonald et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "The Growth of Cool Cores and Evolution of Cooling Properties in a Sample of 83 Galaxy Clusters at 0.3 < z < 1.2 Selected from the SPT-SZ Survey", Astrophysical Journal 774 (2013) 23 [arXiv:1305.2915 astro-ph.CO].
M. Dobbs for the CHIME Collaboration, "The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment", invited talk presented at the Primordial Cosmology Conference, KITP Santa Barbara, April 2013.
A. Weib et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "ALMA Redshifts of Millimeter-selected Galaxies from the SPT Survey: The Redshift Distribution of Dusty Star-forming Galaxies", Astrophysical Journal 767 (2013) 88 [arXiv:1303.2726 astro-ph.CO].
J.D. Vieira et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "Dusty starburst galaxies in the early Universe as revealed by gravitational lensing", Nature 495 (2013) 344-347 [arXiv:1303.2723 astro-ph.CO].
Y.D. Hezaveh et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "ALMA Observations of SPT-discovered, Strongly Lensed, Dusty, Star-forming Galaxies", Astrophysical Journal 767 (2013) 132 [arXiv:1303.2722 astro-ph.CO].
G.P. Holder et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "A CMB lensing mass map and its correlation with the cosmic infrared background", Astrophysical Journal Letters 771 (2013) L16 [arXiv:1303.5048 astro-ph.CO].
T.T Crawford et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "A measurement of the secondary-CMB and millimeter-wave-foreground bispectrum using 800 square degrees of South Pole Telescope data", Astrophysical Journal 784 (2014) 143 [arXiv:1303.3535 astro-ph.CO].
Z. Hou et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "Constraints on Cosmology from the Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum of the 2500-square degree SPT-SZ Survey", Astrophysical Journal 782 (2014) 74 [arXiv:1212.6267 astro-ph.CO].
K.T. Story et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Damping Tail from the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ survey", Astrophysical Journal 779 (2013) 86 [arXiv:1210.7231 astro-ph.CO].
E.M. George et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration), "Performance and on-sky optical characterization of the SPTpol instrument", SPIE 8452, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI (2012) 84521F [arXiv:1210.4971].
J.E. Austermann et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration), "SPTpol: an instrument for CMB polarization measurements with the South Pole Telescope", SPIE 8452, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI (2012) 84520E [arXiv:arXiv:1210.4970].
J.W. Henning et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration), "Feedhorn-coupled TES polarimeter camera modules at 150 GHz for CMB polarization measurements with SPTpol", SPIE 8452, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI (2012) 84523A [arXiv:1210.4969].
J.T. Sayre et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration), "Design and characterization of 90 GHz feedhorn-coupled TES polarimeter pixels in the SPTpol camera", SPIE 8452, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, (2012) 845239 [arXiv:arXiv:1210.4968].
T. de Haan, G. Smecher, M. Dobbs, "Improved Performance of TES Bolometers using Digital Feedback", SPIE 8452, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, (2012) 84520E DOI: 10.1117/12.925658 [arXiv:1210.4967].
T. Matsumura et al. (The POLARBEAR-2 Collaboration), "POLARBEAR-2 optical and polarimeter designs", SPIE 8452, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, (2012) 84523E DOI: 10.1117/12.926770.
K. Arnold et al., (The POLARBEAR Collaboration), "The bolometric focal plane array of the POLARBEAR CMB experiment", SPIE 8452, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, (2012) 84521D DOI: 10.1117/12.927057.
Z. Kermish et al., (The POLARBEAR Collaboration), "The POLARBEAR experiment", SPIE 8452, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, (2012) 84521C [DOI: 10.1117/12.926354].
T. Tomaru et al., (The POLARBEAR-2 Collaboration), "The POLARBEAR-2 experiment", SPIE 8452, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, (2012) 84521H DOI: 10.1117/12.926158.
K. Story et al., (The SPTpol Collaboration), "South Pole Telescope Software Systems: Control, Monitoring, and Data Acquisition", SPIE 8451, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy II (2012) 84510T [arXiv:arXiv:1210.4966].
M. Hazumi et al., (The LiteBIRD Collaboration), "LiteBIRD: a small satellite for the study of B-mode polarization and inflation from cosmic background radiation detection", SPIE 8442, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave (2012) 844219.
D.R. Semler et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "High-Redshift Cool-Core Galaxy Clusters Detected via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the South Pole Telescope Survey", Astrophysical Journal 761 (2012) 183 [arXiv:1208.3368 astro-ph.CO].
M. McDonald et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "A Massive, Cooling-Flow-Induced Starburst in the Core of a Highly Luminous Galaxy Cluster", Nature 488 (2012) 349-352 [arXiv:1208.2962 astro-ph.CO].
J. Song et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "Redshifts, Sample Purity, and BCG Positions for the Galaxy Cluster Catalog from the first 720 Square Degrees of the South Pole Telescope Survey", Astrophysical Journal 761 (2012) 22 [arXiv:1207.4369 astro-ph.CO].
G. Smecher, F. Aubin, E. George, T. de Haan, J. Kennedy, and M. Dobbs, "An automatic control interface for network-accessible embedded instruments", 2nd Workshop on Embed With Linux (EWiLi 2012), Volume 9 Issue 2 (June 2012) 23-27 [doi 10.1145/2318836.2318840].
T.R. Greve et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "Submillimeter Observations of Millimeter Bright Galaxies Discovered by the South Pole Telescope", Astrophysical Journal 756 (2012) 101 [arXiv:1206.4550 astro-ph.CO].
B. Stalder et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "SPT-CL J0205-5829: A z = 1.32 Evolved Massive Galaxy Cluster in the South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Survey", Astrophysical Journal 763 (2012) 93 [arXiv:1205.6478 astro-ph.CO].
F.W. High et al., (The SPT Collaboration), "Weak-Lensing Mass Measurements of Five Galaxy Clusters in the South Pole Telescope Survey Using Magellan/Megacam", Astrophysical Journal 758 (2012) 68 [arXiv:1205.3103 astro-ph.CO].
C.L. Reichardt, B. Stalder, L. E. Bleem, T. E. Montroy, et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Galaxy clusters discovered via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in the first 720 square degrees of the South Pole Telescope survey", Astrophysical Journal 763 (2013) 127 [arXiv:1203.5775 astro-ph.CO].
L.E. Bleem, A. van Engelen, G.P. Holder et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "A Measurement of the Correlation of Galaxy Surveys with CMB Lensing Convergence Maps from the South Pole Telescope", Astrophysical Journal Letters 753 (2012) L9 [arXiv:1203.4808 astro-ph.CO].
A. van Engelen, R. Keisler, O. Zahn, et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "A measurement of gravitational lensing of the microwave background using South Pole Telescope data", Astrophysical Journal 756 (2012) 142 [arXiv:1202.0546 astro-ph.CO].
M. Dobbs et al., "Digital Frequency Multiplexer for TES Detectors - Path to Flight" (Proceedings of LTD 2011), J. Low Temp. Phys. 167 (2012) 568-574, DOI: 10.1007/s10909-012-0470-5.
L. Bleem et al., "An Overview of the SPTpol Experiment" (Proceedings of LTD 2011), J. Low Temp. Phys. 167 (2012) 859-864, DOI: 10.1007/s10909-012-0505-y.
C. Chang et al., "Optical and Thermal Properties of ANL/KICP Polarization Sensitive Bolometers for SPTpol" (Proceedings of LTD 2011), J. Low Temp. Phys. 167 (2012) 865-871, DOI: 10.1007/s10909-012-0491-0
B. Westbrook et al., "Design Evolution of the Spiderweb TES Bolometer for Cosmology Applications" (Proceedings of LTD 2011), J. Low Temp. Phys. 167 (2012) 885-891, DOI: 10.1007/s10909-012-0528-4
B. Benson, T. de Haan, J. Dudley, C Reichardt et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Cosmological Constraints from Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-Selected Clusters with X-ray Observations in the First 178 Square Degrees of the South Pole Telescope Survey", Astrophysical Journal 763 (2013) 147 [arXiv:1112.5435 astro-ph.CO].
M. Dobbs, M. Lueker, et al., "Frequency Multiplexed SQUID Readout of Large Bolometer Arrays for Cosmic Microwave Background Measurements", Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (2012) 073113 [arXiv:1112.4215 astro-ph.IM], DOI: 10.1063/1.4737629.
O. Zahn et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Cosmic microwave background constraints on the duration and timing of reionization from the South Pole Telescope", Astrophysical Journal 756 (2012) 65 [arXiv:1111.6386 astro-ph.CO].
C.L. Reichardt et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "A measurement of secondary cosmic microwave background anisotropies with two years of South Pole Telescope observations", Astrophysical Journal 755 (2012) 70 [arXiv:1111.0932 astro-ph.CO].
K. Schaffer et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "The First Public Release of South Pole Telescope Data: Maps of a 95 deg2 Field from 2008 Observations", Astrophysical Journal 743 (2011) 90.
B. Keating et al. (The POLARBEAR Collaboration), "Ultra High Energy Cosmology with POLARBEAR", October 2011, [arXiv:1110.2101 astro-ph.CO].
J. Klein et al. (The EBEX Collaboration), "A cryogenic half-wave plate polarimeter using a superconducting magnetic bearing", SPIE 8150 (2011) 815004 DOI: 10.1117/12.893669.
R. Keisler et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "A Measurement of the Damping Tail of the Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum with the South Pole Telescope", Astrophysical Journal 743 (2011) 28 [arXiv:1105.3182 astro-ph.CO].
K. Story et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "South Pole Telescope Detections of the Previously Unconfirmed Planck Early SZ Clusters in the Southern Hemisphere", Astrophysical Journal Letters 735 (2011) L36 [arXiv:1102.2189 astro-ph.CO].
R. Williamson, B.A. Benson, F.W. High, K. Vanderlinde et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "An SZ-selected sample of the most massive galaxy clusters in the 2500-square-degree South Pole Telescope survey", Astrophysical Journal 738 (2011) 139, [arXiv:1101.1290 astro-ph.CO].
R.J. Foley, K. Andersson, G. Bazin, T. de Haan, J. Ruel et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Discovery and Cosmological Implications of SPT-CL J2106-5844, the Most Massive Known Cluster at z > 1", Astrophysical Journal 731 (2011) 86, [arXiv:1101.1286 astro-ph.CO].
E. Shirokoff et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Improved constraints on cosmic microwave background secondary anisotropies from the complete 2008 South Pole Telescope data", Astrophysical Journal 736 (2011) 61, [arXiv:1012.4788 astro-ph.CO].
Graeme Smecher, Francois Aubin, Eric Bissonnette, Matt Dobbs, Peter Hyland, and Kevin MacDermid, "A Biasing and Demodulation Firmware for Kilopixel TES Bolometer Arrays", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement 61 (2012) 251-260 [arXiv:1008.4587 astro-ph.IM]. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2011.2161012
D. Schwan et al. (The APEX-SZ Collaboration), "The APEX-SZ Instrument", invited article in Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (2011) 091301. doi:10.1063/1.3637460.
F. Aubin et al. (The EBEX Collaboration), "First Implementation of TES Bolometer Arrays with SQUID-based Multiplexed Readout on a Balloon-Borne Platform", Proc. of SPIE 7741 (2010) 77411T.
G. Smecher, F. Aubin, O. Djazovski, M. Dobbs, G. Faulkner, F. Gulino, P. Hyland, K. MacDermid, and N. Rowlands, "Detection and repair of radiation induced single event upsets in an FPGA-based readout for TES bolometer arrays", Proc. of SPIE 7741 (2010) ) 77412U.
J. Hubmayr et al. "Stability of Al-Mn transition edge sensors for frequency domain multiplexing", IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 21 (2011) 203-206 (proceedings of ASC).
B. Reichborn-Kjennerud et al. (The EBEX Collaboration), "EBEX: A balloon-borne CMB polarization experiment", Proc. of SPIE 7741 (2010) 77411C [arXiv:1007.3672 astro-ph.CO].
M. Brodwin et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "SPT-CL J0546-5345: A Massive z> 1 Galaxy Cluster Selected Via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect with the South Pole Telescope, Astrophysical Journal 721 (2010) 90-97, [arXiv:1006.5639 astro-ph.CO].
M. Milligan et al. (The EBEX Collaboration), "Software systems for operation, control, and monitoring of the EBEX instrument", Proc. of SPIE 7740, 774007 (2010) [arXiv:1006.5256v2 astro-ph.IM].
K. Andersson et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "X-ray Properties of the First SZE-selected Galaxy Cluster Sample from the South Pole Telescope", Astrophysical Journal 738 (2011) 48 [arXiv:1006.3068 astro-ph.CO].
K. Arnold et al. (The POLARBEAR Collaboration), "The POLARBEAR CMB polarization experiment", Proc. of SPIE 7741 (2010) 77411E.
I. Sagiv et al. (The EBEX Collaboration), "The EBEX Cryostat and Supporting Electronics", Proceedings of the 12th Marcel Grossman Conference 2010 [arXiv:1005.3339 astro-ph.IM].
K. Vanderlinde et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Galaxy Clusters Selected with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect from 2008 South Pole Telescope Observations", Astrophysical Journal 722 (2010) 1180-1196 [arXiv:1003.0003 astro-ph.CO].
W. High et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Optical Redshift and Richness Estimates for Galaxy Clusters Selected with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect from 2008 South Pole Telescope Observations", Astrophysical Journal 723 (2010) 1736-1747 [arXiv:1005.0005 astro-ph.CO].
M. Lueker et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Measurements of Secondary Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies with the South Pole Telescope",Astrophysical Journal 719 (2010) 1045-1066 [arXiv:0912.4317 astro-ph.CO].
N.R. Hall et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Angular Power Spectra of the Millimeter Wavelength Background Light from Dusty Star-forming Galaxies with the South Pole Telescope", Astrophysical Journal 718 (2010) 632-646 [arXiv:0912.4315 astro-ph.CO].
J.D. Vieira et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Extragalactic millimeter-wave sources in South Pole Telescope survey data: source counts, catalog, and statistics for an 87 square-degree field", Astrophysical Journal 719 (2010) 763-783 (2010) [arXiv:0912.2338 astro-ph.CO].
M. Dobbs, "Measuring the Fate of the Universe from the Bottom of the Planet", Public Talk presented at the Montreal Planetarium, Dec. 10, 2009.
M. Dobbs, "Experimental probes of the Expansion History of the Universe", Colloquium presented at Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Nov. 13, 2009.
T. Plagge, B. Benson, et al. (The SPT Collaboration) "Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Cluster Profiles Measured with the South Pole Telescope", Astrophysical Journal 716 (2010) 1118-1135, [arXiv:0911.2444 astro-ph.CO].
C.L. Chang et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "SPT-SZ: a Sunyaev-Zel'dovich survey for galaxy clusters", AIP Proceedings of Low Temperature Detectors Vol. 1185 (2009) 475-477.
K. MacDermid, P. Hyland, F. Aubin, E. Bissonnette, M. Dobbs, J. Hubmayr, G. Smecher and S. Wairrach, "Tuning of Kilopixel Transition Edge Sensor Bolometer Arrays with a Digital Frequency Multiplexed Readout System", AIP Proceedings of Low Temperature Detectors Vol. 1185 (2009) 253-256.
J.J. McMahon et al. (The SPTpol Collaboration), "SPTpol: an instrument for CMB polarization", AIP Proceedings of Low Temperature Detectors Vol. 1185 (2009) 511-514.
M. Lueker et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "A Frequency Domain Multiplexed Receiver for the South Pole Telescope", AIP Proceedings of Low Temperature Detectors Vol. 1185 (2009) 241-244.
B.Westbrook et al. (The APEX-SZ Collaboration), "Further Optimization of the APEX-SZ TES Bolometer Array", AIP Proceedings of Low Temperature Detectors Vol. 1185 (2009) 363-366.
K. Basu, Y.Y. Zhang et al. (The APEX-SZ Collaboration) "Non-parametric modeling of the intra-cluster gas using the APEX-SZ bolometer imaging data", Astronomy & Astrophysics 519 A29 (2010) DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/200913334
M. Dobbs on behalf of the APEX-SZ Collaboration, "The APEX Sunyaev Zel'dovich Experiment Observations", invited speaker at the Sunyaev Zeldovich Universe workshop at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada, May 1, 2009.
C.L. Reichardt et al. (The APEX-SZ Collaboration), "Constraints on the High-l Power Spectrum of Millimeter-wave Anisotropies from APEX-SZ",Astrophysical Journal 701 (2009) 1958-1964.
M. Lueker, B.A. Benson, C.L. Chang, Hsiao-Mei Cho, M. Dobbs, W.L. Holzapfel, T. Lanting, A.T. Lee, J. Mehl, T. Plagge, E. Shirokoff, H.G. Spieler, J.D. Vieira, "Thermal Design and Characterization of Transition-Edge Sensor (TES) Bolometers for Frequency-Domain Multiplexing", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 19 (June 2009) 496 - 500.
E. Shirokoff et al., "The South Pole Telescope SZ-Receiver Detectors", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 19 (2009) 517-519.
M. Dobbs, "Astronomers' Window on the Birth of the Universe", McGill Mini-Science Outreach Lecture Series, April 8, 2009
M. Dobbs, "The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME)", presented at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIfAR) Cosmology and Gravity Group Annual General Meeting, March 6, 2009, Mt. Tremblant, QC.
M. Nord et al. (The APEX-SZ Collaboration and members of the LABOCA Collaboration), "Multi-frequency imaging of the galaxy cluster Abell 2163 using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect", Astronomy & Astrophysics V506 (2009) 623-636.
T. Lanting, M. Dobbs, A.T. Lee, H. Spieler, and Y. Yamamoto, "Linearized SQUID Array (LISA) for High Bandwidth Frequency-Domain Readout Multiplexing", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 094501, 2009. [arXiv:0901.1919v1 astro-ph.IM]
Also selected for Applications in Superconductivity Virtual Journal, an edited compilation of links to articles from participating publishers, covering a focused area of frontier research.
M. Dobbs, "Experimental Windows on the Expansion History of the Universe", Cosmology Seminar presented at Perimeter Institute, Oct. 17, 2008.
J. Carlstrom et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "The South Pole Telescope", PASP 123 (2011) 903 [arXiv:0907.4445 astro-ph].
M. Dobbs, "Mapping the history of the universe with the cosmic microwave background radiation", Physics Colloquium at U. Waterloo, Oct 16, 2008.
Z. Staniszewski et al. (The SPT Collaboration), "Galaxy Clusters Discovered with a Sunyaev-Zel'Dovich Effect Survey", Astrophysical Journal 701 (2009) 32-41. [arXiv:0810.1578 astro-ph]
The EBEX Collaboration (W. Granger et al.), "EBEX: the E and B Experiment", Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7020 (2008) 70202N.
A.T. Lee et al., "POLARBEAR: Ultra-high Energy Physics with Measurements of CMB Polarization", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1040 (2008) 66-77.
Hubmayr et al., "Design and characterization of TES bolometers and SQUID readout electronics for a balloon-borne application", Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7020 (2008) 70200J [arXiv:0908.1997].
M. Dobbs, M. Halpern, K.D. Irwin, A.T. Lee, J.A.B. Mates, and B.A. Mazin, "Multiplexed readout of CMB polarimeters'', Journal of Physics: Conference Series 155, (2009) 012004. Proceedings from Technology Development for a CMB Probe of Inflation Workshop.
M. Dobbs, "Frequency Domain Multiplexing'', invited talk at Technology Development for a CMB Probe of Inflation Workshop, Boulder, CO, Aug 2008.
N. Halverson, T. Lanting, et al., "Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Observations of the Bullet Cluster (1E 0657-56) with APEX-SZ", Astrophysical Journal 701 (2009) 42-51. [arXiv:0807.4208 astro-ph]
M. Dobbs, "Canadian Space Astronomy Initiatives for Measuring the Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization", talk presented at CASCA 2008 conference in Victoria, BC.
S. Padin et al., "The South Pole Telescope Optics", Applied Optics, Vol. 47, (2008) 4418.
M. Dobbs, "View from the bottom: Mapping the History of the Universe with the South Pole Telescope'', Physics Colloquium presented at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, March 14, 2008.
J. Mehl et al., "TES Bolometer Array for the APEX-SZ Camera", Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Volume 151, (2008) Issue 3-4, pp. 697-702
M. Dobbs, "Observing the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect", invited review presented December 5, 2007 at Cosmic Cartography, hosted by KICP at the University of Chicago.
PDF format linked from conference webpage
M. Dobbs, The Cutting Edge: Royal Society Lectures in Science, "Mapping the History of the Universe from the Bottom of the Planet: The Story of the South Pole Telescope", Public Outreach Lecture, Oct 11, 2007.
M. Dobbs, "The South Pole Telescope", talk presented at CASCA 2007 conference in Kingston, Ontario, 2007.
M. Dobbs, Eric Bissonnette, and Helmuth Spieler, "Digital Frequency Domain Multiplexer for mm-Wavelength Telescopes", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 55, (2008) 21-26.
Physics Instrumentation and Detectors Preprint arXiv:0708.2762v1
talk May 2, 2007 at the IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference, Fermilab, IL, 2007.
M. Dobbs for the SPT Collaboration, "First Light for the South Pole Telescope", Newsletter for the Canadian Antarctic Research Network, Volume 23, May 2007.
J.G. Dreyer, K. Arnold, T. Lanting, M. Dobbs, S. Friedrich, A.T. Lee, and H.G. Spieler, "Frequency-Domain Multiplexed Readout for Superconducting Gamma-Ray Detectors", IEEE Trans. Appl. Superconductivity 17, (2007) 633-636.
M. Dobbs, N. Halverson et. al., "APEX-SZ First-Light and Instrument Status", New Astronomy Reviews 50 (2006) 960-968.
M. Dobbs, "Technology and Science Potential for New Microwave Background Experiments", Invited Seminar presented at Carleton University Oct 17, 2006.
T.M. Lanting, K. Arnold, H-M. Cho, J. Clarke, M. Dobbs, W. Holzapfel, A.T. Lee, M. Lueker, P.L. Richards, A.D. Smith and H.G. Spieler, "Frequency-domain readout multiplexing of transition-edge sensor arrays", proceedings of Low Temperature Detectors 11, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 559, (2006), 793-795.
M. Dobbs, "Next Generation Cosmic Microwave Background Experiments", Invited Seminar presented at Universite de Montreal, April 27, 2006.
M. Dobbs, "Bolometer Array Systems for Detection of the Cosmic Microwave Background", Invited Talk, American Physical Society April meeting, April 22, 2006 in Dallas, Texas.
M. Dobbs, "Probing Inflation and Dark Energy with the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation", Invited Colloquium, University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University, presented Feb 20, 2006.
M. Dobbs et al., "Developments in Frequency Domain Multiplexing for Large Arrays of Transition Edge Sensor Bolometers", Invited Talk, presented at the National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, Jan 2006.
T.M. Lanting, Hsiao-Mei Cho, John Clarke, Matt Dobbs, W.L. Holzapfel, Adrian T. Lee, M. Lueker, P.L. Richards, A.D. Smith and H. G.\ Spieler, "Frequency-Domain Multiplexed Readout of Transition-Edge Sensor Arrays with a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device", Appl. Phys. Lett.86, 112511 (2005).
M. Dobbs, "Ultra High Energy Physics with CMB Polarization", Invited talk, presented June 4, 2005 at the Institute of Particle Physics (IPP) Town Hall Meeting at TRIUMF, Vancouver.
M. Dobbs, "Probing Inflation and Dark Energy with the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation", Invited Colloquium, Simon Fraser University, presented Mar 4, 2005.
M. Dobbs, "Next Generation CMB Observations and Technical Challenges", Invited Seminar, TRIUMF Laboratory at the University of British Columbia, Mar 3, 2005.
M. Dobbs, on behalf of the APEX-SZ Collaboration, "The APEX-SZ Experiment: Current Status", invited talk presented at the Future of Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters Conference in Kona, Hawaii, Feb 2005.
D.E. Groom and M. Dobbs, "Astrophysical Constants and Parameters", appears in the 2004 Particle Data Book, S. Eidelman et al. (Particle Data Group),Phys. Lett. B 592, (2004) 1.
The SPT Collaboration (John E. Ruhl et al.), "The South Pole Telescope", Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5498, (2004) 11-29 [astro-ph/0411122]
M. Dobbs, "Probing Inflation and Dark Energy with the CMB", LBNL Department of Energy Review, Feb 18, 2004.
M. Dobbs, "Probing the Opposite Ends of Time with the Next Generation CMB Observations", McGill Physics Department Colloquium, presented Feb 3, 2004 in Montreal, Quebec.
M. Dobbs for the Berkeley CMB Instrumentation Team, "Large Scale Bolometer Array Systems for CMB Observations", Invited Paper, URSI Radio Astronomy Section, Boulder, Colorado, Jan 6, 2004.
T.M. Lanting, Hsiao-Mei Cho, John Clarke, Matt Dobbs, Adrian T. Lee, M. Lueker, P. L. Richards, A. D. Smith and H. G. Spieler, "Frequency domain multiplexing for bolometer arrays", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 520 (2004) 548-550.
M. Dobbs, "A Polarized View, Complementarity between Super Nova and CMB Observations", Invited Banquet Address, presented at the Super Nova Acceleration Probe (SNAP) Collaboration meeting, November 9, 2003.
M. Dobbs, "Probing the Opposite Ends of Time with Next Generation CMB Observations", Invited Speaker, Physics Department Colloquium presented
Oct 28, 2003 at U. Victoria, Canada
Oct 31, 2003 at U. Alberta, Canada
The APEX-SZ Collaboration (D. Schwan et al.), ``APEX-SZ a Sunyaev-Zel'dovich galaxy cluster survey'', New Astronomy Reviews 47, Issue 11-12, (2003) p. 933-937.
M. Dobbs, "What we can learn about our universe with the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation", Lecture for High School Physics Teachers at QuarkNet, July 25, 2003.
M. Dobbs, "Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background", Cosmology Teachin, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, July 2, 2003.
T.M. Lanting, Hsiao-Mei Cho, John Clarke, Matt Dobbs, Adrian T. Lee, P.L. Richards, A. D. Smith, and H.G. Spieler, "A Frequency-Domain SQUID Multiplexer for Arrays of Transition-Edge Superconducting Sensors", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 13 Issue 2, June 2003 Page(s): 626 -629.
T.M. Lanting, H-M. Cho, J. Clarke, M. Dobbs, A.T. Lee, P.L. Richards, H. Spieler, A. Smith, "Frequency-domain multiplexing for large-scale bolometer arrays", Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy, Edited by Phillips, Thomas G.; Zmuidzinas, Jonas. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 4855, pp. 172-181 (2003).
Particle Physics - LHC and Gauge Boson Physics
The ATLAS Collaboration, "Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC", Phys.Lett. B716 (2012) 1-29 [arXiv:1207.7214 hep-ex].
The ATLAS Collaboration, "Readiness of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter for LHC Collisions", Eur. Phys. J. C DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-010-1354-y (2010)
The ATLAS Collaboration, "Expected Performance of the ATLAS Experiment - Detector, Trigger and Physics", 2009, 1852 pages. ISBN 978-92-9083-321-5
The ATLAS Collaboration, "The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider", Journal of Instrumentation 3 (2008) S08003.
ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Collaboration (D.M. Gingrich et al.), "Construction, assembly and testing of the ATLAS hadronic end-cap calorimeter", Journal of Instrumentation 2, (2007) P05005. [ATL-LARG-PUB-2007-009]
M. Dobbs, "Phase space veto method for next-to-leading order event generators in hadronic collisions", Physical Review D65, 094011 (2002) [hep-ph/0111234].
ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Collaboration (B. Dowler et al.), "The ATLAS Hadronic End-cap Calorimeter Beam Calibration", Nuclear Instruments and Methods A482, 94-124 (April 2002) [ATL-LARG-2001-019].
M. Dobbs, "Incorporating next-to-leading order matrix elements for hadronic diboson production in showering event generators", Physical Review D64, 034016 (2001) [hep-ph/0103174].
M. Dobbs and M. Lefebvre, "Unweighted event generation in hadronic WZ production at order(alphaS)", Physical Review D63, 053011 (2001) [hep-ph/0011206].
M. Dobbs and J.B. Hansen, "The HepMC C++ Monte Carlo Event Record for High Energy Physics", Computer Physics Communications 134 (2001) 41-46 [ATL-SOFT-2000-001].
Ph.D Thesis - Particle Physics
Ph.D Thesis (University of Victoria, ATLAS Experiment)
Probing the Three Gauge-boson Couplings in 14 TeV Proton-Proton Collisions, U. Victoria, 2002.
(Defended April 8, 2002)
Ph.D Candidacy (University of Victoria)
Performance of the ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter in Particle Beams, Presented May 6, 1999
Space Physics (Undergrad Summer Research 1996)
G. Rostoker, E. Friedrich, and M. Dobbs, "Physics of magnetic storms", Magnetic Storms, ed. by B.T. Tsurutani, W.D. Gonzalez, Y. Kamide and J.K. Arbello, pp. 149-160, Geophysical Momograph 98, American Geophysical Union, Washington DC, 1997.
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