In the Press

Our research often captures the imagination and attention of the general public. Here are a few links to stories about our research in the public media.

Captured Radio Signal from Most Distant Galaxy

Multi-Million Dollar Donation to boost MSI Research

CHIME Wins 2020 Governor General's Innovation Award

CHIME Fast Radio Bursts project in Nature 2019 List

Press Articles Covering Involvement in the LiteBIRD Space Satellite

Press Articles Covering Dobbs' Killam Fellowship

Press Articles Covering CHIME FRB's First Results 

Press Articles Covering CHIME's First FRB detection

Press Articles covering CHIME First Light

CHIME Outreach Videos Released for CHIME First Light, Sept 2017

Event hosted by Jay Ingram and organized by CIfAR, "Untangling the Cosmos: How Research is Changing Our Understanding of the Universe"

Press Releases for Tech-companies providing Components for CHIME

CIfAR Reach Article on CHIME

Feature Article in the Xilinx XCELL Journal 89 Focusing on our FPGA Correlator Technology for CHIME

Feature Article in the XCELL Journal 88 Focusing on our Readout Technology Applied to the Search for Inflationary Gravity Waves

Matt's TEDx talk for Youth in Montreal is Available on Youtube

Physics World Lists the South Pole Telescope measurement of B-mode Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background as a top-ten breakthrough in 2013

Interview with Matt Dobbs on the Starspot podcast

TV Documentary (in French) on our use of The South Pole Telescope and CHIME to probe Dark Energy

Press Coverage for CHIME CFI Announcement/Pathfinder Ground Breaking

Video Features the South Pole Telescope

September 2012 Teaching Featured

Matt's teaching is featured on McGill's Teaching and Learning website.

Jan 2012 EBEX Featured in Wired Magazine Video short

Watch on Youtube 

Nov 2010 Canada Research Chair Renewed

Sept 2010 Our EBEX Stratospheric Balloon project is featured on Quebec TV

May 2010 Keith's Winter-over Experience and the South Pole Telescope featured in the Gazette

April 2010 The South Pole Telescope is featured in Smithsonian Magazine

Mar 2010 EBEX Featured in Quebec Science Magazine

 Mar 2010 Federal Member of Parliament Visits Energy and the Environment Class

Feb 2010 Dobbs Featured in Reporter Article about Sloan Fellowship

2009 Matt Dobbs' Public Lecture on the Birth of the Universe broadcast on Canal Savoir TV

April 8, 2009 EBEX is featured on CBC Radio show "Home Run"

March 2009 The South Pole Telescope is featured on the Cover of the CERN courier

Sept 2008 Article in McGill Reporter Article on Keith Vanderlinde's View of the South Pole

May 2008 Article in the Toronto Star covering the national Canadian astronomy conference and highlighting the South Pole Telescope

March 2008 Article in New York Times on the South Pole Telescope

June 2007 Article In Quebec Science Magazine

March 16, 2007 Coverage in Science Magazine

March 12, 2007 Canada AM News

Feb 26, 2007 NSF Press Release for the South Pole Telescope First Light

February 26, 2007, Landmark Completion of South Pole Telescope. Scientific Frontline

Feb 2007 Canadian Media for the South Pole Telescope

Spring 2006, McGill in-Focus Science Edition Magazine focuses on Astrophysics