
McGill Cosmology Instrumentation Laboratory

Mailing Address:

Department of Physics, McGill University

Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, Room 231

3600 University Street

Montréal, Québec, Canada H3A 2T8

Lab Tel: (514) 398-4838

Our group is recruiting exceptional  postdocs and graduate students with an interest in 21cm cosmology, Fast radio transients, CMB polarization, and/or applied electrical engineering for low noise/fast digital precision instruments. Contact Prof. Dobbs to apply. 

The research group, led by Prof. Matt Dobbs:

Simply stated, our mission is to make measurements that will help us better understand what the universe is made of, how it came to be, and how it will evolve.

Past Events:

Extended documentary on CHIME from SHAW TV

Digital frequency multiplexing board, developed at McGill for reading out large arrays of low temperature bolometric detectors

The moon rises behind the South Pole Telescope - Photo, Keith Vanderlinde