Group Members

Faculty / Postdocs

Prof. Matt Dobbs




Trottier Space Institute

103 - 3550 University

Tel: 514-398-6500


Rutherford Room 231, 

Tel:  514-398-4838

Dr. Joshua Montgomery

LiteBIRD Project Scientist and Project Manager


Rutherford Room 231

Tel: 514-398-4838

Dr. Wellington Avelino

Electrical Engineer

LiteBIRD and CHORD Electronics

Nicholas Huang

McGill Astro Fellowship (co-supervised with Cynthia Chiang)

21cm Instrumentation and Analysis 

Dr. Arnab Chakraborty

McGill Astro Fellowship


Mawson Sammons

TSI Fellow

Libby Berkhout

CHORD Telescope Instrumentation

Professional Staff and Consultants

Dr. Seth Siegel

Senior CHIME Scientist / Postdoctoral Fellow (Jointly appointed between McGill and Perimeter Institute)

Research topic: CHORD Software pipeline architecture, CHIME Guru, Commissioning and Analysis

Dr. Dallas Wulf

CHORD Telescope Project Manager

Email :


Rutherford Room 232

Tel: 514-398-7034

Dr. Jean-François Cliche

Electrical Engineer Consultant and radio correlator F-engine firmware lead

Captain of the McGill Cosmology lab FPGA school

Ph.D Students

Michel Adamič

PhD: FPGA signal processing for TES readout


Rutherford Room 231

Tel: 514-398-4838

Zarif Kader

PhD: CHIME/FRB Gravitational Lensing Dark Matter Limits


Rutherford Room 232

Maclean Rouble

PhD: Development of Kinetic Inductance Detector readout for SPT

MSc: SQUID-less TES readout for mm-wave telescopes


Rutherford Room 231

Tel: 514-398-4838

Ian Hendricksen

PhD: Commissioning the CHORD correlator (co-supervised with C. Chiang)

MSc: FPGA correlator technology for CHORD (co-supervised with C. Chiang)

M. Sc. Students

Kyle Miller

Radio astronomy instrumentation and data analysis for CHORD

Sept 2023-

Evan Davies-Velie

Commissioning CHORD & FRB Analysis

Sept 2024-


Undergraduate Researchers

Antoine Parise

ICE Correlator Electronics qualification (co-supervised with J-F. Cliche)




Rutherford Room 232

Past Members

Irina Nitu

Undergraduate researcher, 2022-2023

CHIME Point Source Analysis (co-supervised with Dallas Wulf)

CHIME/CHORD Electronics Software Development, Testing and Assembly

Gabrielle Mackinnon 

Undergraduate researcher, 2022-2023

CHIME point source analysis (co-supervised with Dallas Wulf)

Adam Lanman

Outrigger VLBI (co-supervised with Vicky Kaspi) 

Dr. Sourabh Paul

CHIME Analysis and CHORD Pipeline

Sara Babic


CHIME 21cm analysis

Thibaud Biel


CHIME Point Source Analysis (co-supervised with Dallas Wulf)

Patrick Horlaville

Undergraduate researcher, 2021-2022

CHIME Slow Transients

Graeme Smecher

Electrical Engineering for DfMUX readout and LiteBIRD

2008-2016 & 2018-2022 at McGill

Next role: Engineer at 

Currently: Co-Founder of

Elizabeth Pieters

M.Sc. student (co-supervised with C. Chiang), 2020-2022

D3A Analog and Dish Design 

Simon Tartakovsky

Undergraduate researcher, 2020-2021

CHORD mechanical design

Saurabh Singh

Postdoctoral researcher (McGill Astro Fellowship, co-supervised with A. Liu), 2018-2021

Now Asst. Professor at Raman Institute, India

Gavin Noble

Research staff - calibration for the South Pole Telescope, 2019-2020

MSc Student at McGill, 2016-2019

 PhD Student co-supervised with Keith Vanderlinde at Toronto University

Paula Boubel

M.Sc. student, 2017-2020

CHIME Telescope Commissioning

Deniz Ölçek

Ph.D student (co-supervised with C. Chiang), 2018-2020

Radio Instrumentation for HIRAX and CHORD 

Dr. Adam Gilbert

Electronics Development, 2013-2019

Now research engineer at Nuvu Cameras

Sneha Nair

Undergraduate researcher, 2018-2019

Laboratory technical support

Mariya Krasteva 

Undergraduate researcher, 2018-2019

Design for PRIZM (co supervised with Cynthia Chiang)

Seery Chen

Undergraduate researcher, 2018-2019

ICE system suitcase interferometer for RFI monitoring

Oliver Lahman-Levesque

Undergraduate researcher, 2017-2018

Signal processing of Cardiac cell monolayers (co-supervised with Leon Glass, Physiology)

Juan Mena-Parra

Ph.D student, 2013-2018

M.Sc. student, 2012-2013

Commissioning of the CHIME pathfinder (FQRNT & NSERC CGS Fellowships)

Currently: Postdoc Fellowship at MIT

David Ittah

Undergraduate researcher, 2015-2018

CHIME Electronics Assembly and Antenna modelling

Vincent MacKay

Undergraduate researcher, 2017-2018

Simulations of Cardiac cell monolayers (co-supervised with Leon Glass, Physiology)

Ryan Chown

M.Sc student, 2015-2017

Optimal Combination of SPT and Planck Sky-maps

Gabrielle Simard

PhD student, 2013-2017

SPT Lensing Analysis (co-supervised with Gil Holder)

Yuuki Omori

PhD student, 2013-2017

SPT/DES Gravitational Lensing Analysis (co-supervised with Gil Holder) 

Next Role: Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford

Gilbert Hsyu

M.Sc. student, 2014-2017

CHIME calibration

Emilie Storer

Undergraduate resercher, 2015-2017

CHIME Pathfinder Analysis and commissioning

Next Role: Graduate student at Princeton working on CMB Theory/Analysis

Dr. Sean Griffin

Postdoctoral researcher fellow, 2016-2017

Development of small radio interferometers

Next role: Scientist at NASA Goddard

Anna Brandenberger

Undergraduate researcher, 2017

CHIME Outreach materials

Clara Vergès

M.Sc. exchange student, 2017

Cryogenic Amplifier Circuit for MUX Readout

Tristan Pinsonneault-Marotte

Undergraduate researcher, 2014-2016

Next role: Graduate student at UBC working on CHIME

Dr. Kevin Bandura

Postdoctoral researcher, 2011-2015

Instrumentation for CHIME and EBEX

Now Asst. Professor (EE) at West Virginia

Qing (Amy) Tang

U3 Workstudy Undergraduate researcher, 2012-2015

Using CHIME for radio transients

James Kennedy

Ph.D student, 2009-2014

M.Sc. student, 2006-2008

APEX-SZ Analysis and SPTpol Hardware (NSERC PGSD Fellowship)

Now with Radar Systems group at Tactical Technologies

Kevin MacDermid

Ph.D student, 2009-2014

Tijmen de Haan

Ph.D student, 2009-2014

Readout instrumentation/SPT Analysis (NSERC PGSM&D Fellowships)

Now tenure track faculty at KEK, Japan

Dr. Amy Bender

Postdoc and Astrophysics Fellow, 2011-2014

SPT readout electronics and analysis. 

Next Role: Scientist at Argonne National Lab working on SPT

François Aubin

Ph.D student, 2007-2013

Nicholas Lebel-Buchanon

M.Sc. student, 2011-2013

Review of calibration techniques for low frequency radio telescopes

Mathew Galloway

Undergraduate Researcher, 2012-2013

Exploring firmware for KIDs readout

Readout system and integration - EBEX

Next role: FQRNT postdoctoral fellowship at U. Minnesota for EBEX analysis and next generation

Tamanna Singh

MITACS undergraduate researcher, 2013

Firmware algorithms for efficient multiplication of low bit-count numbers for CHIME

Dr. Keith Vanderlinde

Postdoc and ClfAR Junior Fellow, 2009-2012

SPT cluster Cosmology

CHIME design, prototyping and pipeline

Next role:  Assistant professor at Dunlap Institute/University of Toronto (webpage)

Bena Mero

U3 Workstudy Undergraduate researcher, 2010-2012 

Cryogenic Test System for Detector Characterization 

Mashabat Suzuki

U1 Student Workstudy Researcher, 2011-2012

Electronics rework & development

Ivan Padilla

Undergraduate researcher, 2011-2012

Simulation of CHIME Antenna Response (Honors project)

Max Schmitt

U3 Workstudy Undergraduate researcher, 2009-2011

Quality control test software for electronics

Peter Hyland

Postdoctoral researcher, 2008-2010

PolarBEAR Readout

Next role: Asst. Professor Austin College, TX

Peter Dahlberg

U2 Undergraduate Researcher, 2008-2010

Cryoelectronics hardware commissioning

Alina Chen He

U1 Undergraduate researcher, 2010

Antenna response pattern simulations

Laurent Beauregard 

NSERC Summer Undergrad Researcher, 2010

CHIME Simulations

Anton Tikhonov 

Electronics Technician, part time, 2008-2009

Shahjahan Warraich

Undergraduate researcher, 2008-2009

Testing DfMux electronics and development of fridge controller electronics

Eric Bissonnette

Electrical Engineer Consultant, 2007-2008

Catherine Laflamme

U1 Undergraduate NSERC Researcher, 2008

Simulations of SPT, EBEX, Polarbear

Claire Cohalan

NSERC Summer Undergrad Researcher, 2006 

Senior UGrad Thesis from Saint Mary's University, 2006-2007

Topic: Atmosphere subtraction for APEX-SZ

Mohamed Najih 

NSERC Summer Undergrad Researcher, 2007

Topic: Building a cryogenic sub-kelvin cold stage for test cryostat. Software and testing of EBEX readout system electronics

Kareem Amin

Undergrad Workstudy Student, 2007

Topic: Software and assembly for cosmology readout system

Dr. Trevor Lanting

Postdoc, 2006

APEX-SZ operation and data analysis

Next Role: Research scientist at D-Wave Technologies in Vancouver

Rajat Mukherjee

Undergrad Workstudy Student, 2006

Topic: Simulations of Digital fMUX timestreams

Kurt Hartung

Undergrad Workstudy Student, 2006

Topic: Setting up lab computing system