VMS Vocal Music

Welcome to the Vernon Middle School Vocal Music Website!

It is time for Fourth Grade students to register for 5th Grade Band and Choir at Vernon Middle School. Students have met Mrs. Adams (5-6th Band Teacher) and Mrs. Scherbring (5-8th Grade Choir Teacher), and have completed an instrument listening activity to begin their band instrument selection process. It's now time for students to register for their VMS 2024-25 Music Electives. 

Next Steps for ALL Fourth Grade Families:

1. Read through the Music Electives Registration Packet -- Sent home as a paper packet and linked here: Band Parent Letter and Choir Parent Letter.

2. Visit the Band Website and Choir Website for more detailed information about our VMS music programs.

3. Complete the 2024-25 VMS Music Electives (Band and Choir) Registration by Friday, May 17th.

*Students enrolled in band will receive their final instrument confirmation and instructions to obtain their instrument on Tuesday, May 21st.

***All incoming VMS 5th Grade families should respond to the registration survey, even if their child does not plan to participate in band or choir.*** 


Choir is an elective open to all VMS students regardless of previous choir participation or music knowledge. Anyone who likes to sing should consider giving it a try! Students in choir will have the opportunity to audition for honor choir, audition for show choir and musical, and participate in show choir camp along with various other activities.  

We will sing many different styles of music throughout the year. We will also learn about vocal technique, study music theory, and practice sight-reading. Additionally, students will have small group vocal lessons during the school day to develop their individual vocal skills. 

Choir at Vernon Middle School meets for one class period, every other day, throughout the school year. Choir and band meet on opposite days so students are able to be in both band and choir, and students are highly encouraged to do both. Participation in choir includes some evening performances. 

Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to singing with you!

Mrs. Scherbring, 5-8 Vocal Director


Any VMS students who are not currently in choir or band and would like to add one of those music electives to their schedule for 2023-2024 should have their parent or guardian reach out to Mrs. Scherbring (5-8 Choir) at kscherbring@marion-isd.org, Mrs. Adams (5-6 Band) at jadams@marion-isd.org, or Mrs. Waymire (7-8 Band) at mwaymire@marion-isd.org.

Choir Handbook

Parents: After reading through the Choir Handbook 2023-2024, complete this form with your student. 

Due Friday, September 8, 2023

December 18, 2023 - VMS Choir Concerts, VMS Gym

March 7, 2024 - Choral Showcase, MHS Red Gym

May 6, 2024 - VMS Choir Concerts, VMS Gym