Creative Short Story

Novice writers are often given this advice on how to structure their short stories:

*Put a man up a tree

*Throw stones at him

*Get him down

When you come to think of it, it’s good advice for any writer.

Alex and Emma

Writing Reminders

You’re the author, you’re God. You can create characters that the readers like (agree with) or you can create characters that make the reader close the book and never pick it up again.

You need a great first line. You must grab the reader from the start.

Create believable characters.

Avoid the 3 fla’s




Write from life.

Write for you audience. Hope that everyone will want to read your story, but be ready for the one person who is going to read the last page.

Avoid the “John Shaw” syndrome.

Watch the plot. Don’t write yourself into a corner. Be sure you always have an escape route.

Be sure you know your characters, plot, setting, etc. Make it come to life. That is the key. The reader should be able to put him or herself into the story.

Don’t be afraid to walk away from the situation. Give yourself time to think things through.

Hope for a smiling muse.