Lab Members


We are currently recruiting new members for AVCL. If you are interested in the decision and control of advanced driver assist system/automated driving, the power management control of electric vehicle/ hybrid electric vehicle, or battery management system, you are welcome to join the lab. We have many research projects working with automotive industries. There is an opportunity to implement the control algorithm you designed on production vehicles, and become a real vehicle control engineer! It is possible to fulfill the dream of a vehicle control engineer. Every lab member will get a laptop for research and study. Members who participate in the project can also receive part-time assistant salaries. Please contact the seniors in the lab first (extension 3672) to understand more about the research directions and ongoing projects before the interview with me.

For prospective students from Vietnam, you are encouraged to contact Dr. Tran Anh Trung for more information.

For prospective international interns, you are encouraged to prepare a one-page abstract to briefly describe the topic you plan to achieve during the summer vacation.
