
本學期教授的課程如下所示,如需上課講義,請到北科i學園plus (i-study)網站下載。

The following courses are offered this semester.  If you need the lecture notes, please download them from the i-study website.  

本學期 Office Hours (諮商時間) 為每星期一2:10 PM - 5:00 PM與每星期二9:10 AM - 12:00 PM,若無法在排定之 Office Hours 前來詢問問題,請另以 email 或電話(分機 3622)約定時間。專題生與AVCL研究生不在此限,有問題請隨時找我討論。

My office hours for this semester are 2:10 PM-5:00 PM on Mondays & 9:10 AM-12:00 PM on Tuesdays.  If you can't make it to the office hour, please make the appointment via email or phone (extension 3622).  Undergraduate students taking special projects and my graduate students are not limited to office hours.  You can come to see me whenever you have questions.


I have taught the following courses.  Please click on the links for more details. Matlab software is heavily used in many courses. Please refer to the links related to online learning resources.

Matlab 線上學習資源 Online learning resources

大學部 Undergraduate

研究所 Graduate School


