Unit 13: CSI Simulation

2016 Crime Scene in the Box examples
Crime Scene in a Box Projects--2015

4/10--Crime scene in a box partners must be determined today--I will record these and allow your initial brainstorming session!

4/11--Work Day #1--Crime Scene in a Box--make sure you bring all materials needed to use this time!

4/12--Work day #2--Crime Scene in a box--computer lab--be ready to work on electronic copies needed (detailed list of evidence, scenario, reconstruction, etc.)

4/13--Crime Scene Sketch activity/review!

forensic Crime Scene In a Box project.pdf

4/23--Work Day #3--Crime Scene in a Box--you can use this day to actually construct your scene--don't forget materials.

4/24--Work day #4--Crime Scene in a box--computer lab--be ready to work on electronic copies needed (detailed list of evidence, scenario, reconstruction, etc.)

5/8--Crime Scene in a Box Project DUE!!

5/21-- Semester Exam Review Key is posted!

5/22--Final Exam, 5th period & 7th period

5/23--Final Exam, 6th period & 8th period

5/24--Final Exam, 1st period & 3rd period

5/25--Final Exam, 2nd & 4th period