Martedi, 18 Aprile (Tuesday)

Buffet breakfast is provided.

Buon giorno, Venezia!

Today we had a walking tour of the city. Cold and rainy, but beautiful nonetheless!

In the evening, we had our first performance, at Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's Basilica).

Martedi - Tuesday

Dinner is provided after the performance.

Yo yo yoooooooo. Dinner was litt. Btw happy birthday Jacob!! So at dinner I had the best table of Dori, Isabella, Danny, Giovanna, Nina, and Eamon. And Gio found a new lover in the fabulous waiter Peter (also the name of her uncle). We all thought we scared him off because once he said his name we all burst laughing because Gio said it was also the name of her uncle. But he came back with ice cream for her!! 'Bella Giovanna.' That was some good fun. And singing! Oh yeah, that's why we're here. We did that too. Inside in San Marco was bliss. Our last note rang throughout and it was marvelous. TOMORROW IS GONNA BE SO COOL SO ILL SEE YALL LATER (Dear time, hurry up. But not fast enough to make us leave.) ~Sumner

Hey! This is Dan B, Abbie and Libby. We are having the best time of our lives and today we sang in Basilica San Marco. Singing “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” brought tears to our eyes. A funny man tried to take multiple selfies with us. We had some fine dining and sang at the end of dinner. Amazing day!!

Bonjourno it’s Devon! Today we went to San Marco.

It sounded amazing, a totally different experience when singing. The best part was traveling around Venice and singing for everyone. Apparently I have started the tradition of doing a toast every dinner but on the spot it’s not as easy as the movies. That’s all I got for today.

Buona serra! This may or may not be Emily S, a human who is in Lyrics. Michael M. and Kati are adjacent to me. Today we toured Venice. I had prepared for light rain-littl

e did I know that Venice would be hit by a monsoon. We were all soaked, but we got to eat pizza later so all was well. The group morale is higher than the sopranos’ B in Unclouded Day. Peace to the homeskillets in the 413. Swag.

Day three in Italy with Tanner and Sydney! *rhymes courtesy of Tanner* Tanner started his day strong with a nice morning stroll with birthday boy, or shall we say man now, Jacob. Sydney was very fascinated that in Europe breakfast comprises solely of pastries and coffee! They then were ready to start the day with a nice walking tour of Venice. Sydney even had a

poncho and fanny pack in hand ready for her new adventure to come. It was only about 5 minutes in to the tour when Mother Nature unleashed her wrath upon us. The rain poured with fury and soaked us to the bone but Tanner and Sydney did not let the hiccup in the road affect their perfect day in Venice. After returning to the hotel to change into some dry clothing… The adventures through the cobblestone streets and alleyways began. A scrumptious meal of raviolis and shrimp scampi satisfied the taste buds of the Younguns. After traveling through many an alleyway the group found themselves a tad bit lost, however this is not a concern as the signs were well marked to lead them back to Piazza San Marco (said an Italian accent). The Square was far more enjoyable in the dryer weather and they're able to purchase sweatshirts. Tanner Sydney and Katie were able to purchase matching sweatshirts that said Universita Venezia. They the

n return to the hotel to change into concert dress for an evening performance at the Basilica San Marco. Sydney was Lucky enough to have Grandma Roxxy and Grandpa ken make an appearance which definitely made her trip. We were in tour mode as we gave an impromptu performance of the Lord bless and keep you after a succulent Italian dinner. We're now dictating this blog post onto Sydneys iPhone as you walk across the scenic Accademia Bridge back to the hotel. Caio for today!

Love Tanner and Sydney <3

P.S. Don't worry. Tanner reached his 2 gelato quota today so we're all set.