Domenica, 16 Aprile (Sunday)

HI FAMIGLIAS!!!! It’s Emily! I’m here with Nina and we are so excited for this week! We still can’t believe that we’re going to Italy today! The group morale is very high. Cal has already used the bathroom on the bus. We are currently in Windsor. Happy Easter/Passover everyone!! See you soon J

Bonjourno! This is the one and only Michael B rolling through Hartford. We are hyped not for rolling, but for flying all the way to the Italian Peninsula. The group is not only ready to fly, but to soar in a metaphorical, “singy” sense all the way to the top of the domes of some awesome cathedrals. One of my fondest hopes is to sing Monteverdi’s Nisi Dominus in the same cathedral where it was written for. Let’s roll.

Ciao! Libby and Abbie here, cruisin’ on our way to JFK. We’re playin’ some card games, takin’ some pics, and enjoying the beautiful scenery of I-95. Jacob is dressed far too fancy for this bus, but we look great in our sweatpants. That’s all for now! Libby and Abbie signing off.

Hellooooo!! Devon coming to you live from the King Ward on our way to JFK. People have already started singing. Hopefully they stay prepared for Italy, we need all the voices we can keep. Carl and Katherine are now singing Runaround Sue and it’s vey good. Well it’s too soon in our trip to write about the trip. So be ready for my next post. Arrivederci!!

Hola! Bonjour! Hello all! Carl and Katherine here. We are so excited and grateful to be going on this trip! Carl just went around asking everyone what they’re most excited about for Italy, and everyone said FOOD!! We are gonna eat so much good substance- can’t wait. Katherine brought a go-pro and plans to document all of Carl’s greatness (from Carl). We just finished cuddling with our beloved Arjun. He will assuredly make a valuable contribution to society.

HEYYYY It’s your favorite sop section leaders Emily and Elaina!!! We have been occupying our time on the bus by drawing each other, quite beautifully I may add. We are VERY excited to be in Italy so soon!!!! If you were wondering, according to his M.A.S.H. predicted future, Daniel Perry Berg will drive a wagon and live in Antarctica. Signing off, peace to the homeskillets, emilaina (es + es)

Hi!! This is Katie and Isabella. We are on our way to JFK, and we couldn’t be more excited to embark on our journey to Italia! Katie and I are super excited to experience the Italian ways, and sing with our best friends. We are also thrilled to be trying new foods! xoxo we love and are thinking of everyone at home J

Hi!! This is Ethan D and Ryan. We are on our way to JFK, and we couldn’t be more excited to embark on our journey to Italia! Ethan and I are super excited to experience the Italian ways, and sing with our best friends. We are also thrilled to be trying new foods! xoxo we love and are thinking of everyone at home J

Hi this is Arjun. We are going to JFK right now and am currently having fun on the bus. Also I may or may not have eaten plastic when I was eating a Fruit ROLLUP. Bye!

Nick C and Mike M saying hello from the back of the bus. Nothing beats suburban Connecticut! Can’t wait for Italy with the boys.

AYYYYYYY what up

Ethan P and Sam coming at ya live from the emergency exit seat on the bus. Sick views of Newark. Really hyped to spend time in Italy with some amazing people.

This is Max and Cal. Ready for anything #tourmode- joke credited to Arjun.

Fateed and Yacob checking in from the mid-rear of the motor coach. We’ve been passed by many a fast car, and quite frankly, we are sick of it. Hit the juice Jose!

Eyyyyy it’s Josh, I’m the last Glick to head to Europe and I am very hyped.

Yo yo yo this be Anahita and Mark we going to Italy together and this is probably the most hyped that we ever been this is some pretty wacky stuff we pumped up and ready to hit up the Italy and the Florence and the Venice and we doing it ALL together.

Hello, here are some interesting, fun, random Italian words. La balena: whale, il ciclismo: cycling, incandescente: incandescent, il veleno: posion, lo stagno: pond, Noelle and Lucy

We went through CT so that was a fun time as always. Hi friends! Now we’re finally in the Bronx. I got bored so I started eating lunch. Much singing and playing of games. Has it sunk in that I’m going to Italy yet? Not really. So far it feels like another day with my friends but I know the second I step off the plane in Venice it’s. Gonna. Be. Awesome!! Countdown: 0 and 6. ~Sumner

Sup y’all, this is Eric the Asian here. I’m soooooo ready for Italy. I got some cheesy Italian pickup lines readyJ

Hey its Shak, chillin with Shelly, and Bridge on the bus and we’re super excited to eat gelato in Italy!!!! #Superhyped! Played some cool memory games (Anahita and Shelly tied) and tried to sing Canon For Peace… Feeling great so far! Can’t wait to flirt with Italian boys in broken Italian! ;)