Lunedi, 17 Aprile (Monday)

Venice is a city that is closed to motor vehicles. Upon our arrival, we'll transfer by boat (vaporetto) to our hotel, Don Orione Artigianelli, a restored monastery. We'll rehearse for the first time in Italy! Dinner provided.

What an arrival! We picked up our bags and walked out onto a pier for our transfer by boat to our hotel. A great introduction to the glory of Venice! A gorgeous day here.

Hello from Venice!!! After a long two days of traveling and some very confused teens on the time zone change, we have finally made it to Italy. Tanner has already made it his top priority to, like Dr. Abercrombie, eat gelato at least twice a day. He feels this will make up for his sub-par, overpriced caesar salad at JFK. The Beautiful City has not failed to captivate this young lad, “I already love it here and I’ve been here for less then twelve hours,” Tanner states emphatically. Sydney has also felt mesmerized by the spectacular city. After having a harrowing experience on the flight, induced by not sharing her Froot Loops with Tanner, she was relieved to be back on solid ground in Rome. This relief, however, was short lived as we immediately boarded another aeroplane to go to Venice. When we arrived in Venice, she shocked the crowd with her knowledge of the Mediterranean Sea and the history of the cobblestones used in Piazza San

Marco. After a long walk through the fashionable streets of Venice, they began to feel a sensation of hunger rush upon them. Tanner and Sydney took matters into their own hands and found a quick before dinner snack of, you guessed it, GELATO!! The two studious students sat in the business center at the Don Orione Hotel, indulging in some Starburst Jelly Beans and writing this sophisticated piece. Ciao for today!

Love Tanner and Sydney <3

After a short Bass-Section-Standing-On-One-Leg Contest (because: basses), we set off on a short walk to dinner. I promise everyone was there, though I missed a few folks in the table photos.

Monday Night Dinner

Tiramisu: A delicious end to a thoroughly amazing day!