Blue Groups

Blue Road 2 Reading

Now that you are in The BLUE group congratulations and welcome to the E-X-P-A-N-D-I-N-G world of WORDS!

  • Since we are having reading group online today I would like you to look👀 at the word bank below
  • Word Bank: strange, excited, surprised, blank, anxious, weird, odd, unnatural (means man made, fake or artificial), unbalanced, eerie (means strange and frightening), bizarre, unknown, unfamiliar, new, alien
  • Write a 5 sentence (or more) story about how you are thinking and feeling being at home and learning online.
  • Title your story: My First Week of Online School at LFCS
  • Read your story to your family or call your friends and read each others stories. Or post your story on LFCS email and send it to me.
  • Good luck and I can't wait to hear from you.