Ball Skills

Post date: Dec 14, 2017 8:28:13 PM

Ball Skills (basketball intro)

Ball Skills include ball handling and ball control skills:

Self catch with a toss

Toss ball in air, clap hands, ball bounce & catch

Toss ball in air, clap hands (1, 2 or 3 times) ball bounces & catch

Toss ball in air, turn around and catch

Toss ball in air, touch floor and catch

Toss ball in air, clap hands, touch shoulders, touch knees and catch

Ball Dribbling:

R hand dribble

L hand dribble

Crossover (R&L) dribble

Dribble standing to kneeling to standing

Dribble and turn - L & R

Dribble while walking forwards, backwards, sideways

Dribble jogging

Dribble running

Partner passing:

Chest pass

Bounce pass

Overhead pass

Baseball pass

Practice of Basket Shooting